in reply to Dereferncing Hash Not Working

Tip #1 from the Basic debugging checklist: use warnings. You were trying to grab an array element by using a string value instead of a numeric value, which is what the warning message tells you.

use warnings; use strict; use Data::Dumper; my @report_name = qw(Attendance Sales Tickets Fans); while (<DATA>) { my %by_report = split ' '; print Dumper( \%by_report ); for (@report_name) { print "report_name is: $_\n"; if ( exists( $by_report{ $_ } ) ) { print "$_ Report is: $by_report{$_}\n"; } else { print "No data for $_ Report\n"; } } } __DATA__ Attendance 7424 Sales 7074 Tickets 350 Fans 109 Attendance 321541 Sales 321508 Tickets 31 Fans 101 Attendance 9208 Sales 9208 Fans 102 Attendance 9832 Sales 9829 Tickets 3 Fans 106 Attendance 1559058 Sales 1503174 Tickets 55404 Fans 104