in reply to use warnings is complaining

Since unpack returns strings of zero length, you can check with length:
use warnings; use strict; printf("%-11s %-27s %9s %11s","Date","Description","Incoming","Outgoin +g\n"); my $x = 0; my $tot; my $totex; while (<DATA>) { if ($x==0) {$x++;next;} my ($date,$des,$inc,$exp) = unpack("A10 A27 A10 A*", $_); $inc = 0 unless length $inc; $exp = 0 unless length $exp; printf("%-10s %-27s %10.2f %10.2f\n",$date,$des,$inc,$exp); $tot += $inc; $totex += $exp; } printf("%38s %10.2f %10.2f","Totals",$tot,$totex); print "\n"; __DATA__ Date Description incoming outgoing 01/24/2001 Zed's Camel Emporium 100.00 1147.99 01/28/2001 Flea spray 24.99 01/29/2001 Camel rides to tourists 235.00 01/31/2001 avage1 125.00 01/20/2001 carpe diem 20.00 23.00