mkmcconn has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

In a learning experiment using multiple filehandles in a hash, I stumbled on something that I don't understand.

#/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; local (*E,*F,*G); my $string = <<JUNK; I will print unless I perish JUNK my %rh = (E=> *E, F=> *F, G=> *G); open $rh{$_}, ">test_$_.txt" or die $! for keys %rh; print { $rh{$_}} $_.$string for keys %rh;
# the following (incorrect) line closes the filehandles
close $_ or die $!                        for keys %rh; # so that this (correct) line dies
close $rh{$_} or die $! for keys %rh; #error: # Bad file descriptor at C:\Perl\scripts\ line 20.

Note that strict is being used.
Why is $_, above, allowed to be used as a Filehandle? In the other contexts, open() or print (), the script would have failed with appropriate messages that 'String ('F') can't be used ..' etc.

So, close() doesn't expect the same strictness that open() does. Is that as it ought to be?
(ActiveState perl 5.6.1)