Category: Cryptography
Author/Contact Info Kurt Kincaid (
Description: This script started off as one of those "I wonder if I can do this" sort of things. I wanted to get more proficient at using Tk, and I really just did it for the challenge and for the fun. I can't make any claims as to the overall level of security it provides. If you use it insecurely, it'll be insecure, simple as that. It does require several modules, all of which are listed at the top of the script. I really only designed it with mild security in mind, so if you use it for matters of national security, you do so at your own risk.

Hopefully you'll find it at least somewhat useful.

UPDATE: The problem with the zero length file output (detailed below) was a very careless error on my part. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. I have corrected the error in the code contained herein.
# CryptoPad
#       Date Written:   07-Nov-2001 09:29:47 AM
#       Last Modified:  28-Dec-2001 12:30:23 PM
#       Author:    Kurt Kincaid (
#       Copyright (c) 2001, Kurt Kincaid
#           All Rights Reserved
# NOTICE: This package is free software and may be modified and/or
#         redistributed under the same terms as Perl itself.

use Tk;
use Tk::Dialog;
use Tk::DialogBox;
use Tk::Text;
use Tk::FileSelect;
use Tk::FileDialog;
use Tk::Menu;
use Tk::Menubutton;
use Tk::widgets qw(Menu);
use Tk::Checkbutton;
use File::Butler;
use File::Glob;
use Crypt::RC4;
use Crypt::GOST_PP;
use Crypt::TripleDES;
use Crypt::CBC;
use Crypt::Rijndael_PP ':all';
use Crypt::RIPEMD160;
use Crypt::PPDES;
use URI::Escape;
use Digest::MD2;
use Digest::MD4;
use Digest::MD5;
use Digest::SHA1;
use constant;

$VERSION          = "1.31";
$mod_date         = "28-Dec-2001 12:30:23 PM";
$title            = "CryptoPad v" . $VERSION;
$rc4_header       = "----- CryptoPad RC4 Encrypted Message: Begin ----
$rc4_footer       = "\n----- CryptoPad RC4 Encrypted Message: End ----
$tripledes_header = "----- CryptoPad TripleDES Encrypted Message: Begi
+n -----\n";
$tripledes_footer = "\n----- CryptoPad TripleDES Encrypted Message: En
+d -----";
$aes_header       = "----- CryptoPad AES (Rijndael) Encrypted Message:
+ Begin -----\n";
$aes_footer       = "\n----- CryptoPad AES (Rijndael) Encrypted Messag
+e: End -----";
$gost_header      = "----- CryptoPad GOST Encrypted Message: Begin ---
$gost_footer      = "\n----- CryptoPad GOST Encrypted Message: End ---

$mw    = MainWindow->new;

$m = $mw->Frame( -relief => 'groove', -bd => 2 )
  ->pack( -side => 'top', -anchor => 'n', -fill => 'x' );

    -text      => "File",
    -tearoff   => 0,
    -menuitems => [
            "command" => "New",
            -command  => \&clear
            "command" => "Open",
            -command  => \&OpenDocument
            "command" => "Save",
            -command  => \&SaveDocument
            "command" => "Save As",
            -command  => \&SaveAs
            "command" => "Exit",
            -command => sub { exit }
)->pack( -side => 'left' );

    -text      => "Help",
    -tearoff   => 0,
    -menuitems => [
            "command" => "Help...",
            -command  => \&help
            "command" => "About...",
            -command  => \&about
)->pack( -side => 'left' );

$f = $mw->Frame->pack( -side => 'top', -fill => 'x' );
$f->Label( -text => "Passphrase:" )->pack( -side => 'left', -anchor =>
+ 'w' );
$f->Entry( -show => '*', -textvariable => \$passphrase )->pack(
    -side   => 'left',
    -anchor => 'w',
    -fill   => 'x',
    -expand => 1

$f->Button( -text => "Message Digest", -command => \&Digest )
  ->pack( -side => 'right' );
$f->Button( -text => "RC4 Decrypt", -command => \&rc4_decrypt )
  ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'e' );
$f->Button( -text => "RC4 Encrypt", -command => \&rc4_encrypt )
  ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'e' );
$f->Button( -text => "GOST Decrypt", -command => \&gost_decrypt )
  ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'e' );
$f->Button( -text => "GOST Encrypt", -command => \&gost_encrypt )
  ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'e' );
$f->Button( -text => "TripleDES Decrypt", -command => \&tripledes_decr
+ypt )
  ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'e' );
$f->Button( -text => "TripleDES Encrypt", -command => \&tripledes_encr
+ypt )
  ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'e' );
$f->Button( -text => "AES Decrypt", -command => \&aes_decrypt )
  ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'e' );
$f->Button( -text => "AES Encrypt", -command => \&aes_encrypt )
  ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'e' );

$f->Button( -text => "Clear", -command => \&clear )
  ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'e' );

$mw->Label( -textvariable => \$info, -relief => 'ridge' )
  ->pack( -side => 'bottom', -fill => 'x' );
$t = $mw->Scrolled("Text", -wrap => 'word', -scrollbars => 'e' )->pack
    -side   => 'bottom',
    -fill   => 'both',
    -expand => 1

$info = $title;


# Encryption Sub-Routines

sub rc4_encrypt {
    $info = "Processing....";
    $temp_var = $t->get( "1.0", "end" );
    chomp $temp_var;
    if ( Confirm() ) {
        $cipher = RC4( $passphrase, $temp_var );
        $info = "";
        $t->delete( "1.0", "end" );
        $cipher = uri_escape($cipher);
        $cipher =~ s/.{80}/$&\n/g;
        chomp $cipher;
        $cipher = $rc4_header . $cipher . $rc4_footer;
        $t->insert( "end", $cipher );
        $info = $title;

sub rc4_decrypt {
    $info = "Processing....";
    $temp_var = $t->get( "1.0", "end" );
    chomp $temp_var;
    if ( Confirm() ) {
        $temp_var =~ s/$rc4_header//;
        $temp_var =~ s/$rc4_footer//;
        $temp_var =~ s/\n//g;
        $temp_var = uri_unescape( $temp_var );
        $cipher = RC4( $passphrase, $temp_var );
        chomp $cipher;
        $info = "";
        $t->delete( "1.0", "end" );
        $t->insert( "end", $cipher );
        $info = $title;

sub tripledes_encrypt {
    $info = "Processing....";
    my $des = new Crypt::TripleDES;
    $temp_var = $t->get( "1.0", "end" );
    chomp $temp_var;
    if ( Confirm() ) {
        $cipher = $des->encrypt3( $temp_var, $passphrase );
        $info = "";
        $t->delete( "1.0", "end" );
        $cipher = uri_escape($cipher);
        $cipher =~ s/.{80}/$&\n/g;
        chomp $cipher;
        $cipher = $tripledes_header . $cipher . $tripledes_footer;
        $t->insert( "end", $cipher );
        $info = $title;

sub tripledes_decrypt {
    $info = "Processing....";
    $temp_var = $t->get( "1.0", "end" );
    chomp $temp_var;
    if ( Confirm() ) {
        my $des = new Crypt::TripleDES;
        $temp_var =~ s/$tripledes_header//;
        $temp_var =~ s/$tripledes_footer//;
        $temp_var =~ s/\n//g;
        $temp_var = uri_unescape( $temp_var );
        $cipher = $des->decrypt3( $temp_var, $passphrase );
        $cipher =~ s/\s*$//;
        chomp $cipher;
        $t->delete( "1.0", "end" );
        $t->insert( "end", $cipher );
        $info = $title;

sub aes_encrypt {
    $info = "Processing....";
    $temp_var = $t->get( "1.0", "end" );
    chomp $temp_var;
    if ( Confirm() ) {
        $aes = new Crypt::CBC($passphrase,'Rijndael_PP');
        $cipher = $aes->encrypt( $temp_var );
        $info = "";
        $t->delete( "1.0", "end" );
        $cipher = uri_escape($cipher);
        $cipher =~ s/.{80}/$&\n/g;
        chomp $cipher;
        $cipher = $aes_header . $cipher . $aes_footer;
        $t->insert( "end", $cipher );
        $info = $title;

sub aes_decrypt {
    $info = "Processing....";
    $temp_var = $t->get( "1.0", "end" );
    chomp $temp_var;
    if ( Confirm() ) {
        @lines = split(/\n/,$temp_var );
        shift @lines;
        pop @lines;
        $temp_var = join( "", @lines );
        $temp_var = uri_unescape( $temp_var );
        $aes = new Crypt::CBC($passphrase,'Rijndael_PP');
        $cipher = $aes->decrypt( $temp_var );
        chomp $cipher;
        $info = "";
        $t->delete( "1.0", "end" );
        $t->insert( "end", $cipher );
        $info = $title;

sub gost_encrypt {
    $info = "Processing....";
    my $ref = Crypt::GOST_PP->new( $passphrase );
    $temp_var = $t->get( "1.0", "end" );
    chomp $temp_var;
    if ( Confirm() ) {
        $cipher = $ref->encrypt( $temp_var );
        $info = "";
        $t->delete( "1.0", "end" );
        $cipher = uri_escape($cipher);
        $cipher =~ s/.{80}/$&\n/g;
        chomp $cipher;
        $cipher = $gost_header . $cipher . $gost_footer;
        $t->insert( "end", $cipher );
        $info = $title;

sub gost_decrypt {
    $info = "Processing....";
    $temp_var = $t->get( "1.0", "end" );
    chomp $temp_var;
    if ( Confirm() ) {
        my $ref = Crypt::GOST_PP->new( $passphrase );
        $temp_var =~ s/$gost_header//;
        $temp_var =~ s/$gost_footer//;
        $temp_var =~ s/\n//g;
        $temp_var = uri_unescape( $temp_var );
        $cipher = $ref->decrypt( $temp_var );
        $cipher =~ s/\s*$//;
        chomp $cipher;
        $t->delete( "1.0", "end" );
        $t->insert( "end", $cipher );
        $info = $title;

# End Encryption Sub-Routines

sub clear {
    $t->delete( "1.0", "end" );
    $passphrase = "";
    $info       = $title;

sub about {
    $mw->Dialog( -title => "About...",
        -text => <<"END", -popover => $mw, -font => 'ansi' )->Show;

Last Modified: $mod_date

Copyright © 2001 Kurt Kincaid. All rights reserved.

This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify i
+t under the same terms as Perl itself.

sub Digest {
    $info = "Generating Message Digest....";
    $hex  = Digest::MD5->new();
    $temp_var = $t->get( "1.0", "end" );
    chomp $temp_var;
    if ( $temp_var eq "" ) {
        $info = $title;
    $hex->add( $temp_var );
    $md5  = $hex->hexdigest();
    $hex2 = Digest::SHA1->new();
    $hex2->add( $temp_var );
    $sha  = $hex2->hexdigest();
    $hex3 = Digest::MD4->new();
    $hex3->add( $temp_var );
    $md4  = $hex3->hexdigest();
    $hex4 = Digest::MD2->new();
    $hex4->add( $temp_var );
    $md2 = $hex4->hexdigest();
    $hex5 = Crypt::RIPEMD160->new();
    $hex5->add( $temp_var );
    $ripemd = $hex5->hexdigest();
        -title => "Message Digest",
        -text  => <<"END", -popover => $mw, -font => 'ansi' )->Show;
[ SHA ]

[ MD5 ]

[ MD4 ]

[ MD2 ]

[ RIPEMD-160 ]
    $info = $title;

sub OpenDocument {
    $FSref    = $mw->FileSelect();
    $fileName = $FSref->Show();
    $temp_var     = Butler( $fileName, "read" );
    if ( !-e $fileName ) {
        $info = "Cannot open $fileName: $!";
    $t->delete( "1.0", "end" );
    $t->insert( "end", $temp_var );

sub SaveDocument {
    if ( $fileName eq "" ) {
        $saveas = $mw->FileDialog( -Title => 'Save As', -Create => 1 )
        $saveas->Label( -text  => "File Name: ", -relief       => 'gro
+ove' );
        $saveas->Entry( -width => 20,            -textvariable => \$fi
+leName );
        $fname = $saveas->Show();
    $temp_var[0] = $t->get( "1.0", "end" );
    Butler( $fname, "write", \@temp_var );
    $info = "$fname saved";

sub SaveAs {
    undef $fileName;

sub help {
    $helptext = "
Last Modified: $mod_date

The encryption is accomplished with your choice of several encryption 
+algorithms, TripleDES (the previous, interim NIST Data Encryption Sta
+ndard), AES (also known as Advanced Encryption Standard, or Rijndael,
+ after the authors, Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen, the current NIST 
+Data Encryption Standard), GOST (a 64-bit block cipher with a 256-bit
+ key, which was the encryption standard in the former Soviet Union) a
+nd RC4, which is a symmetrical stream cipher by RSA Security Inc. It 
+should be noted that to avoid complications with displaying meta-char
+acters, the encyrpted output is escaped via URI::Escape.

CryptoPad supports multiple rounds of encryption. For example, it is p
+ossible to encrypt your data with TripleDES, then with AES, then with
+ RC4. Decryption would then be possible in the reverse order. The nam
+e of the encryption algorithm is shown to facilitate this. It is impo
+rtant to note that knowing which encryption algorithm was used in no 
+way diminishes the security of the encryption.

The Message Digests are generated with SHA1, MD5, MD4, and MD2 Message
+ Digest algorithms by RSA Security Inc., and RIPEMD-160 by Hans Dobbe
+rtin, Antoon Bosselaers, and Bart Preneel, of Katholieke Universiteit
+ Leuven. A Message Digest (also known as \"fingerprint\") is a one-wa
+y encrypted hash function based on the content of the document. It is
+ mathematically infeasible to have two documents with the same Messag
+e Digest, and even less likely that the document would say what you w
+ant it to say. As such, a Message Digest can be used to \"sign\" a do
+cument and verify that the contents of the document have not been alt
+ered, either by accident or design.

    $help_label = "$title Help";
    $help = MainWindow->new();
    $help->title( "Help" );
    $mm = $help->Frame->pack( -side => 'top', -fill => 'x' );
    $mm->Button( -text => "Close Window", -command => sub { $help->des
+troy() } )
      ->pack( -side => 'right' );
    $help->Label(-textvariable => \$help_label, -relief => 'ridge')->p
+ack(-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'x');
    $tt = $help->Scrolled("Text", -width => 120, -wrap => 'word', -bac
+kground => '#ffff88', -font => 'ansi', -scrollbars => 'e' )
      ->pack(-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1 );
    $tt->insert( "end", $helptext );    

sub Confirm {
    if ( $temp_var eq "" ) {
        return 0;
    if ( length( $passphrase ) < 5 ) {
        return 0;
    return 1;

sub Error {
    my $error;
    $error = $mw->Dialog( -bitmap => 'error', -title => "Passphrase Er
        -text => <<"END", -popover => $mw, -font => 'ansi' )->Show;
The passphrase must be at least 5 characters.
    $info = $title;