in reply to recurse directory script

CHRYSt, you'll find many posts here directing you to File::Find. It's very easy to use (although there are some peculiarities that may put you off at first, much clearer code can be produced with it than you'll find in my sample below)

Download the snippet below, and see if it does pretty much what you want. I can hardly imagine it taking 3 hours, even on a very large and deep directory.

If it works for you, take a closer look at the module and the examples in the documentation (perldoc File::Find).

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use File::Find; print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print "<html><body><h1>Web Server Directory Listing</h1>"; my $dir_count = 0; my $file_count= 0; find(\&{ sub { if (-d $_){ # File::Find puts us in the directory. # We can stat, copy or rename # without needing to know # which directory we are in. print $dir_count > 0?"</ul>\n":""; print "<h3>Directory ", ++$dir_count, ": <a href='$File::Find::dir/$_'>$_</a></h3>\n<ul> \ +n" ; # $File::Find::dir # is the current directory } else{ print "<li>", ++$file_count, " <a href='$File::Find::name'>$_</a></li>\n" ; # $File::Find::name # is the full path of the c +urrent file. } } }, '/Intranet/html'); print "\n</ul>"; print "</body></html>";

fiddled with text after posting.