I've been attempting to beef up my .vimrc. The goal is as always to simplify my life somewhat. I'm curious what types of shortcuts, macros, and other magic people have in their vimrc's. If you *gasp* use another editor perhaps you can contribute other editor-specific tips for other users out there too. Here are some of the things I've added so far:
iab _cb ############################################################<C +R> iab _cl # #<C +R> iab _ds <C-R>=strftime("%Y-%b-%d")<CR> iab _fn <C-R>=bufname("%")<CR> iab _lm <C-R>="Last Modified: " . strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") <C +R> iab _href <a href="" alt=""></a> iab _img <img src=""> iab <TABLE> <TABLE></TABLE> iab <TR> <TR></TR> iab <TD> <TD></TD>