jynx has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

i don't know where the most appropriate place to put this is,

but it seems there's a typographical error in Exegesis 5. If there isn't, hopefully someone can explain it to me?

On the last page, when discussing new rewrites of old regexen, for IPv4 matching it has the following:

# Perl 5 my $quad = qr/(?: 25[0-5] | 2[0-4]\d | [0-1]??\d{1,2} )/x; $str =~ m/ $quad \. $quad \. $quad \. $quad /x; # Perl 6 rule quad { (\d<1,3>) :: { fail unless $1 < 256 } } $str =~ m/ <quad> <dot> <quad> <dot> <quad> <dot> <quad> /x; # Perl 6 (same great approach, now less syntax) rule quad { (\d<1,3>) :: <($1 < 256)> } $str =~ m/ <quad> <dot> <quad> <dot> <quad> <dot> <quad> /x;
However according to earlier in the exegesis (and the apoc that preceded it), there was no x modifier for perl 6 regexen, and even if there were, it would be at the front of the RE, not the back. Am i forgetting a feature?


PS i have already e-mailed O'Reilly Net about it, but it doesn't seem changed, so this seems a reasonable place to inform TheDamian, get his opinion (if i'm in error), and whore for XP :-)