A subroutine for padding text: defaults pad numbers to left (right justified), alpha right (left justified).

For more edifying and complete solutions, see:

who sometimes has trouble
telling his right from his left.

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; my @strings = qw(string justification 999999999 88888888 7777777); sub justify{ my ($string, $len, $char, $pad_from, $strict) = @_; return '' unless defined $string; $pad_from ||= ''; $pad_from =~ tr{a-z}{A-Z}; $pad_from = '' unless $pad_from =~ s{^([LCR]).*?$}{$1}; if($string =~ m{\D}){ $pad_from ||= 'L'; defined($char ) or $char = ' '; }else{ $pad_from ||= 'R'; defined($char ) or $char = '0'; } $len ||= 10; my $tmpstr = ''; my $offset = 0; if ($pad_from eq 'R'){ $tmpstr = $char x ($len - length $string).$string; }elsif($pad_from eq 'C'){ $strict = 1; my $pad = $char x (int(($len - length $string) / 2)); $tmpstr = $pad.$string.$pad.$char; }elsif($pad_from eq 'L'){ $tmpstr = $string.($char x ($len - length $string)); } unless ($strict){ $len = length( $tmpstr )> $len ? length $tmpstr : $len; } return (substr($tmpstr,$offset,$len)); } # EXAMPLES sub maxsize{ my $maxsize = 0; my $to_measure = shift; for (@$to_measure){ my $thissize = length; $maxsize = $thissize unless $maxsize > $thissize; } $maxsize ; } my %example = (#pad to default do not truncate default => q{justify($_)}, #pad to 9, truncate nine => q{justify($_,9,undef,undef,1)}, #right justify in 9 cols, default pad, truncate right_ => q{justify($_,9,undef,'R',1)}, #left justify in 9 cols, default pad, truncate left_ => q{justify($_,9,undef,'L',1)}, #pad ' ' to max len, center center => q{justify($_,maxsize(\@strings),' ','c')}, #pad '-' to max len default justify fill => q{justify($_,maxsize(\@strings),'-')} ); my $padex = maxsize([keys %example]); for my $ex (sort keys %example){ print justify($ex,$padex,undef,'l',1)." : ".eval($example{$ex})."\ +n" for @strings; print "\n"; } __END__ center : string center : justification center : 999999999 center : 88888888 center : 7777777 default : string default : justification default : 0999999999 default : 0088888888 default : 0007777777 fill : string------- fill : justification fill : ----999999999 fill : -----88888888 fill : ------7777777 left_ : string left_ : justifica left_ : 999999999 left_ : 888888880 left_ : 777777700 nine : string nine : justifica nine : 999999999 nine : 088888888 nine : 007777777 right_ : string right_ : justifica right_ : 999999999 right_ : 088888888 right_ : 007777777