Here's a demo of a site'e web application (html and SVG) 100% served using a perl 5.8.0 multithreaded daemon with pages built real-time using the SVG module XML generation capability.

Click here for the demo of the server in use as an orgchart application server.

The main advantage is that there is no cgi interface and no dependency on Apache (as the system is up all the time, there is no compile problem and no mod_perl complication).

The main dissadvantage is that all the details (ssl handling, authentication, authorisation, etc) have to be worked out through the application logic or through a proxy, and that since there is no cgi interface, all queries need to structures like a branch, with only the leaf being free text and the branch nodes being predermined.

But it seems (qualitatively) fast.

I will be posting the source code for the demonstration, based on the web server code in 100 lines code I originally got off Perl Monks, shortly.

I'm really starting to like threads.
