in reply to "pointers" for calling a DLL

Hey, thanks to everyone for your help so far...I think I'm almost there. I can get the methods that reference either longs or doubles to work.

I'm still having problems with any method requires a pointer to a string. I am referring to the usage under the dispinterface IXRawfile in the OLEview. For the GetFileName method it is:

[id(0x00000003), helpstring("method GetFileName")] void GetFileName(BSTR* pbstrFileName);

Now if I look in the user documentation for the library it says that "the pbstrFileName variable is a valid pointer to a BSTR variable. This variable must exist and be initialized to NULL." My question is, does this bit of code initialize this variable to NULL? I can't see any reason why this should not work...dang.

my $filename = Variant(VT_BSTR|VT_BYREF, 0);

Thanks, chinman