User since: Mar 05, 2003 at 18:40 UTC (21 years ago)
Last here: Feb 25, 2007 at 20:58 UTC (17 years ago)
Experience: 147
Level:Sexton (4)
Writeups: 12
Location:Fairy Academy in Fairy World
User's localtime: Apr 23, 2024 at 13:28 EDT
Scratchpad: View
For this user:Search nodes

I am the drill instructor for future fairy godparents. Faerie & Nymphs Local 318 renegotiated our contract and we all got a big, fat pay cut! So I was reading the want ads in Faerie Folk Weekly looking for a second job and I came across a listing for a job as the Vote Fairy. It seems that Pair Networks needed someone to give votes to all of the little Monks here at Perl Monks so I took the job.
-- Jorgen von Strangle

My lists:


  1. Watching others suffer
  2. Showing off my muscles
  3. Working out
  4. My jetpack


  1. Sissies
  2. Wings

Fairies I love:

Tooth Fairy (she's my wife!)

Fairies I can't stand:

  1. Cosmo
  2. Wanda

Puny humans who make me sick:

  1. Timmy