Category: Miscellaneous
Author/Contact Info harley_frog
Description: This is my very first "original" Perl script, inspired by "Hello World" only more intelligent. I've just started reading the Llama book and applied some of my new found knowledge to this script. Working towards a future version that will automatically input the current user's name, thus eliminating the prompt. Also working on a 12-hour clock version.

Check for updated code below.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict
print "Please enter your name: ";
chomp($name = <STDIN>);
@greeting = ("morning", "afternoon", "evening");
@days = qw/ Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday /
@months = qw/ January February March April May June July August Septem
+ber October November December /;
$hour = (localtime(time()))[2];
$min = (localtime(time()))[1];
$day = (localtime(time()))[6]; 
$month = (localtime(time()))[4];
$mday = (localtime(time()))[3];
$year = (localtime(time()))[5] + 1900;
if ($min < 10) {
  $min = 0 . $min;
else {
  $min = $min;
$current_time = $hour.":".$min;
$current_date = $months[$month]." ".$mday.", ".$year;
if ($hour < 12) {
  print "\nGood $greeting[0], $name.\n"
elsif ($hour >= 17) {
  print "\nGood $greeting[2], $name.\n"
else {
  print "\nGood $greeting[1], $name.\n"
print "Today is $days[$day], $current_date.\n";
print "The time is now $current_time.\n";