APA_Perl has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

The following code gathers the path names of all SGML files in a directory tree. It just runs VERY VERY slow. I am working with 33,000 files and it took this code almost 5 hours to gather everything into the array.

Is there a faster method anyone could suggest?

Be kind, I am new and this is my first post to the Monks.


use File::Find; use Time::localtime; $now = ctime(); my @dirs = @ARGV or die "No valid directory argument(s)"; find( sub{ m/\.sgml$/ and push @files,"$File::Find::name" and print "$ +File::Find::name\n";}, @dirs, ); $fileCount=@files; print "\nThere are $fileCount files here.\n"; $then = ctime(); print $now; print "\n"; print $then;