in reply to How do I extract text from an HTML page?

Assuming that the format for every grade is '<b>NAME</b>, grade: GRADE<br>' and that there are no lines that begin incidentally with the same format (Well actually you don't have if you use the regex I wrote. At least I think so...), you can use this little snippet that uses regex to create this HTML page (You can easily alter it as you wish to just print it and not create an HTML file):

open (FILE, "+<$path/finalgrades.html") or die "Can't open file: $!"; +# where $path is the full path to the directory where the file reside +s. while (<FILE>) { if (m/^<b>[^<>]</b>, grade: (\d+)<br>$/) { my $name = $1; my $grade = $2; open (HTML, "+>>$path/$name.html") or die "$!"; print HTML "<html><head><title>CONGRATULATIONS TO THE PARTICIPANT +$name</title></head><body><h1>$name</h1> has just reviece "$grade" as + a grade for this seminar. Congratulations!!!<br></body></html> } } close (FILE) or die "$!";

Note that you should want to use to print the HTML taks instead of printing them directly. Go to for more info on the CGI module.

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