in reply to LCCS time complexity

Maybe Algotithm::Diff will perform better. It isnt C but always seems to perform its job well and fast. If you are trying to do this on gene sequences you probably want to do it in C - once you have found an efficient algoritm. It does LCS native and can be easily made to do LCSS. Yes LCS and LCSS are different. The lcss method returns all the common substrings, unsorted. Just iterate through the list and remeber the index of the longest (much more efficient than a sort). You would want a Schwartzian transform on the sort by length if you want to use the multiple results (but if you want more than one LCSS its kinda a contradiction in terms).

NB: Edge case where two (L)CSS are same length second ignored in my simple loop.

use Algorithm::Diff qw(LCS traverse_sequences); my @seq1 = split //, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; my @seq2 = split //,'flubberabcdubberdofghijklm'; my $lcs = join '', LCS( \@seq1, \@seq2 ); print "LCS: $lcs\n"; my $lcss = lcss( \@seq1, \@seq2 ); print "All CSS: @$lcss\n"; my $index; my $length = 0; for( my $i = 0; $i < @$lcss; $i++ ) { next unless length($lcss->[$i])>$length; $index = $i; $length = length($lcss->[$i]); } print "LCSS: ", $lcss->[$index], "\n"; # optional sort method print "LCSS: ", (sort{length{$a}<=>length{$b}}@$lcss)[-1]; sub lcss { my ( $seq1, $seq2 ) = @_; my ( @match, $from_match ); my $i = 0; traverse_sequences( $seq1, $seq2, { MATCH => sub { $match[$i] .= $seq1->[$_[0]]; $from_match = 1 } +, DISCARD_A => sub { do{$i++; $from_match = 0} if $from_match }, DISCARD_B => sub { do{$i++; $from_match = 0} if $from_match }, }); return \@match; } __DATA__ LCS: abcdefghijklm All CSS: abcd e fghijklm LCSS: fghijklm LCSS: fghijklm


