in reply to Re: Re: Review of Proc::Background
in thread Proc::Background

In the following code sample the database connection cannot be started until after Proc::Background::Init because DBI connections do not survive forks. The fork has to happen before the potentially fatal register_process() because you wouldn't want to write the wrong pid to the process list. This leaves you with no way to report a fatal exit to the console that just started the application.

exit main( @ARGV ); sub main { eval { Sys::Syslog::openlog( $SYSLOG_IDENT, '', $SYSLOG_FACILITY ); 1; } or Carp::croak( $@ ); Proc::Background::Init(); db_start(); # <- The database connection cannot be established ... } sub db_start { return if $::DBH; main::log_debug( "DBI->connect" ) if $::DEBUG; $::DBH = DBI->connect ( $::DBI_DSN, $::DBI_USER, $::DBI_PASS, { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 1 } ) or main::log_emerg( 'emerg', "Error connecting to database: $D +BI::errstr" ); # Potentially fatal - if the process is already running that would + violate the table's constraint system. $::DBH->do( "SELECT register_process( ?, ? )", undef, File::Basename::basename( $0 ), $$ ); return 1; }