Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi having some problems here.
This code is already inside of a for loop
####### for $x (0..$avarege->getLength-1) { ................ my($res_month, $res_day, $res_year); foreach my $key ($effectivedate[$x]) { chomp $key; ($res_month, $res_day, $res_year) = split/\//, $key; my @results = $key; print $#results; print "@results - <b>data found in $res_month * $res_day * $res_yea +r</b>"; if($res_month >= $res_month){print "^^ $res_month ^^";} } .....} #######

At the end I would like to print the line that has the most recent date.
Here a sample of the data.
Record 0: Coll 02/14/2003 Charles S. 2862.30 00000 ISSUE WWW Record 1: Coll 03/17/2003 Peter C. 392.50 00000 ISSUE WWW Record 2: Coll 07/25/2003 John K. 10.00 00000 ISSUE CCC

From this file I would get this line:
Record 2: Coll 07/25/2003 John K. 10.00 00000 ISSUE CCC
Need some help.....