joe has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I know you can do this with closures, but I'm wondering if there is a better way. Here is the example:
a(); b(); print "$var\n"; sub a { local $var = "a\n"; c(); } sub b { local $var = "b\n"; c(); } sub c { # i'm pleasing you to print a or b print "var: $var"; }
So you can see, I want c() to have access to the calling sub's my variables. I know that if I eval the creation of that sub in a() or b() it will work, however I don't want to have to do that for every sub that calls c().

Is there a hack to do the above?

If not, here is my next best choice... the sub c() is actually spit out by a class and evaled in the callers package, is it possible to have the eval happen in the callers namespace?

That is:

$b = new SubMaker(); sub a { my $var; $b->make_sub("subname"); subname(); }
where SubMaker::make_sub() evals in the callers namespace so that subname() now has access to $var. Is that possible?
