in reply to Re^3: deletion of one line of a particula pattern
in thread deletion of one line of a particula pattern

: )
use strict; use diagnostics; my $log = qq(/usr/local/log/lvimg_Ldrive_tapes.log); my $out = qq(/usr/local/log/output); open (F, "$log") || die "could not open file:$!"; open (F2, ">$out") || die "could not open file:$!"; sub mytime { my ($month,$day,$year,$hours,$min) = (localtime)[4,3,5,2,1]; sprintf ("%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d\n", $month+1,$day,($year % +100),$hours,$min); } my $tm = &mytime; print F2 "$tm\n"; while (<F>) { #if ($_ =~ /(E0+)/ ) { local $, = "\t"; print F2 +(split)[3], "$1$/" if /\((E\d+)/; #} } close (F); close (F2);

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^5: deletion of one line of a particula pattern
by insensate (Hermit) on Aug 23, 2004 at 20:19 UTC
    Get rid of the  +(split)[3], it looks leftover from some other try.
      great! thank you!