Category: Utility Scripts
Author/Contact Info Pete Jewell <>

This is my second perl program, written to fulfill a need at work. I was wondering if someone with more experience could critique it, there being no other perl programmers in my office :-)

It's aim is to be run as part of the .bash_profile, to remove any prior D3 program running from the user's IP, to solve the problem of rebooted clients at a customer of ours (stopping them rebooting wasn't an option).

Oh, almost forgot, it's also supposed to run suid root, as the users often use different login names from the same workstation.


use strict;
use Sys::Syslog;
use English;

my ($temp); # holds temporary data
my ($mytty); # holds my tty
my ($ttytype); # holds either tty or pts
my ($ipaddr); # holds my ip addr
my ($childpid); # holds the pid of a child process
my (@w_listing); # array for output of w command

$ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin";

open (FROMKID, "-|") or exec ("who", "-m") or system_log ("Can't run w
+ho: $!");
if (eof FROMKID) {exit 1;}
while (<FROMKID>) {
  if (/tty(.*?)\s/) {
    $mytty = "tty" . $1;
    $ttytype = "tty";
  elsif (/pts(.*?)\s/) {
    $mytty = "pts" . $1;
    $ttytype = "pts";
close FROMKID;

if (defined($mytty)) {
  open (FROMKID, "-|") or exec ("w", "-s") or system_log ("Can't run w
+: $!");
  if (eof FROMKID) {exit 1;}
  while (<FROMKID>) {

    my ($w_idx); # subsript for @w_listing;
    $w_idx = @w_listing;
    $w_listing[$w_idx] = $_;

  close FROMKID;

  foreach (@w_listing) {
    if (/$mytty\s.*?\b(.*?)\s/) {
      $ipaddr = $1;

  if (defined($ipaddr)) {

    foreach (@w_listing) {

      my ($checktty); # tty to check for d3 process

      if (/$ttytype(.*?)\s.*?$ipaddr/) {
        next if (($ttytype . $1) eq $mytty); # we don't want to kill o
        $checktty = $1;

        open (FROMKID, "-|") or exec ("ps", "awwww") or system_log ("C
+an't run ps: $!");
        if (eof FROMKID) {exit 1;}
        while (<FROMKID>) {

          foreach (<FROMKID>) {
            if (/^ *(\d*?)\s.*?\b$checktty\s.*?d3.*?VIDEO/) {

              my ($killresult);

              $killresult = kill 15, $1;
              if ($killresult) {
                if (kill 0, $1) {
                  $killresult = kill 1, $1;
              if ($killresult) {
                system_log ('PID %d has been killed successfully for %
+s', $1, $ipaddr);
              } else {
                system_log ('Attempt to kill PID %d for %s failed', $1
+, $ipaddr);
                print "You are unable to login because there is alread
+y a D3 process\n";
                print "running from your IP address.\n\n";
                print "Please call Example Systems for assistance.\n\n
                print "Press <ENTER> to continue...";
                my $hit_enter = <STDIN>;
                exit 1;
        close FROMKID;


  } else {
    print "I cannot determine my IP address.\n\n";
    print "Please call Example Systems.\n\n";
    print "Press <ENTER> to continue...";
    system_log ("Cannot determine IP address");
    my $hit_enter = <STDIN>;
} else {
  print "I cannot determine my tty.\n\n";
  print "Please call Example Systems.\n\n";
  print "Press <ENTER> to continue...";
  system_log ("Cannot determine tty");
  my $hit_enter = <STDIN>;

sub system_log {
  Sys::Syslog::setlogsock ('unix');
  openlog ('onlyone', 'pid','user');     # open a channel to the syslo
  syslog ('info', @_);