telcontar has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Let's say you have two lists, @a and @b, and all elements of @b are contained in @a. How do you get "@a without @b"? Of course, one could sort both lists, iterate through the elements of @a, have an index for @b, and push elements in @a to an array @c if the element in @a is not at that position in @b. But that seems rather tedious. For instance,
@b = sort {$a <=> $b} @b; @a = sort {$a <=> $b} @a; print "@b\n"; for (@a) { if (defined($b[$i])) { if (not $_ == $b[$i]) { push @c, $_ } else { $i++ } } else { push @c, @a[($j..$#a)]; last; } $j++; }

I'm sure this can be done in a somewhat more efficient (perl-ish *g) way ... like this:
@c = grep { defined($b[0]) and !($b[0] eq $_) or !shift @b } sort {$a <=> $b} @a;

This should work if @b is already sorted. I'm sure it can be done in better ways .. I'm brand-new at Perl after all.
