in reply to Parsing a macro language


I build a small parser to create your perl structure from your file. A part of this is a escape function, that would escape special chars in s///.

The parsing is done specially by the parse.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Data::Dumper; sub escape { my $str=shift; $str=~s/\\/\\\\/g; $str=~s/\[/\\[/g; $str=~s/\]/\\]/g; $str=~s/\(/\\(/g; $str=~s/\)/\\)/g; $str=~s/\{/\\{/g; $str=~s/\}/\\}/g; $str=~s/\^/\\^/g; $str=~s/\//\\\//g; $str=~s/\+/\\\+/g; $str=~s/\-/\\\-/g; $str=~s/\$/\\\$/g; $str=~s/\&/\\\&/g; $str=~s/\*/\\\*/g; $str=~s/\|/\\\|/g; $str=~s/\?/\\\?/g; return $str; }; sub parseoptions { my $options=shift; my @opts=(); $options=~s/\s+$//; for my $opt (split /\n/, $options) { $opt=~/^\s*(\w+)\s+(.*)$/; my $data={name=>$1, content=>$2}; unshift @opts, $data; } return \@opts; } sub parse { my $lookat=shift; my @struct=(); while ($$lookat=~/^\s*(\w+)\s+(\w+)?\s*{/) { my $data={type=>$1,name=>$2}; my $str=escape($&); $$lookat=~s/^$str//; if ($$lookat=~/^[^}]+{/) { $data->{content}=parse($lookat); $$lookat=~s/^\s*}//; } else { ($data->{content})=$$lookat=~/^\s*([^}]+)\s*}/ +; my $str=escape($&); $$lookat=~s/^$str//; if ($data->{type} eq 'single') { $data->{content}=parseoptions($data->{ +content}); } } unshift @struct, $data; } return \@struct; } my $quest=""; while (my $line=<>) { $line=~s/^\s+/ /g; $quest.=$line; } my $struct=parse(\$quest); print Dumper($struct);

Hope this helps.