This is a collection of common janitorial "attributions".
Code tags
<p><small> <b><a href="?node_id=17558#codetags">Code</a></b> tags adde +d by [Me]</small></p>
Readmore tags
<p><small><b>[href://?node_id=17558#readmore|Readmore]</b> tags added +by [Me]</small></p>
Move a writeup
<p><small> Moved from [xxx] to [yyy] by [Me]</small></p>
Unconsider a failed reap
<p><small> Considered by {copy and paste considerer and reason from approval no +delet} <br /> Unconsidered by [Me]: keep (and edit) votes [id://409197|prevented] +reaping; {copy and paste votes from approval nodelet} </small></p>
Reparenting replies of a reaped duplicate post
<p><small>Node (and replies) reparented from duplicate thread [id://] +by [Me] </small></p>
Remove pre tags
<p><small> Edit by [Me] - replaced pre tags with [href://?node_id=1755 +8#codetags|code] tags, to prevent distortion of site layout and allow + code extraction.</small></p>
P tags
<p><small> &lt;P&gt; tags added by [Me] to improve readability</small> +</p>
See also