this was getting off topic- here seems the right place, under meditations.

Previous, jonix wrote :

"Did you ever code better on any drug - be it legal or not, strong or soft? Just curious, because from my experience, plain soberness and enough sleep is simply best for coding...
"Not that I would condemn recreational drug use entirely, especially caffein and nicotine dont´t distract from coding that much and are even quite socially accepted - but drugs won´t help much solving the problems at hand either. Especially if you are procrastinating on the creation of some usefull but dull documentation."

Drugs won't solve anything. But they can help a little sometimes. And when your life is hell, a little bit of help makes a big difference.

Did I ever code better on any drug.. First off. I want to restate that I am no coder, nor will I ever be- Second, I code.

Thirdly, having a.d.d., the use of *small* ammounts of amphetamines (prescription) and uppers (caffeine- nicotine(open for debate)) can make turn a moment of slamming the keyboard in a fury of trying to hold more then seven things in your head, turn into more of a 'wait, maybe i can look at this another way.'

Personally if I didn't have caffeine and nicotine, I would'nt just 'not code well', I would be a slobbering mess staring into the vaccuum of space in a puddle of my own p1ss blood fecal matter sweat and tears.

I had a friend of some reputation who learned to code C on basically cocaine and lsd. He moved on to some very high paid jobs in the industry. (not still doing that- at least not at work)

As far as pot goes/ if I smoke the stuff, I can't touch a computer for a week. It makes me feel like perl is just about printing html line by line.

Alcohol makes me want to use windows machines. Fortunately, alcohol wears out. And I don't drink around computers just like I don't smoke around children.

Prescription uppers/anti deppres are nirvana in *small* dosages over a period of time. I take about 8mg of aderall most days- split in two. This is an amphetamine, for reference.

My caffeine consumption helps the economy of small countries in South America.

Smoking is more related to women and sex, so it's out of scope.

Anyone else?