Category: Miscellaneous
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Description: calculates pythagorean triples

explanation: a pythagorean triple is a set of non-zero integers that make the pythagorean theorem return true when they're plugged in.

3,4,5 is the first triple.
sqrt((3)**2 + (4)**2) = 25
sqrt(9 + 16) = 25
sqrt(25) == 5

I've got no idea what uses this could have, but I thought it was interesting.
it looked cleaner at the beginning, but map{} and for(a..b) had big memory problems.
If you find a use for it, i'd like to know. Enjoy :)
#generate pythagorean triples until n = ARGV[1]
#based on this:
#a, b, c = n^2 - m^2, 2*m*n, n^2 + m^2
my($m, $n, $end);
$end  = $ARGV[0] || 5;
for($n = 1; $n <= $end; $n++) {
 for($m = 1; $m < $n; $m++) {
  printf("%d,%d,%d\n", ($n * $n - $m * $m), (2 * $m * $n), ($n * $n + 
+$m * $m));