This is some example code I wrote a few days ago. It's based on a odometer-class and a wheel-class. Maybe it's useful to someone. EDIT: the class-variable $DONE in the odometer-class is a bad idea and should be changed to an instance-variable.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; package Wheel; sub new { my $class = shift; my @items = @_; my $self = { items => \@items, position => 0, notch => [], }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub on_notch { my $self = shift; my $call = shift || sub { print "Notch!\n" }; push @{$self->{notch}}, $call; } sub succ { my $self = shift; if ($self->{position}++ < $#{$self->{items}}) { $self->{position} and return $self->{items}->[$self->{position +}]; } else { $self->{position} = 0; $_->() for @{$self->{notch}}; return $self->{items}->[$self->{position}]; } } sub to_s { my $self = shift; return $self->{items}->[$self->{position}]; } package Odometer; use Data::Dumper; my $DONE = 0; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = []; return bless $self, $class; } sub add_wheel { my $self = shift; my @items = @_; my $w = Wheel->new(@items); push @$self, $w; $self->[$#$self-1]->on_notch(sub {$w->succ}) if $#$self > 0; } sub succ { my $self = shift; my $temp = $self->to_s; $self->[0]->succ; if ($DONE == 2) { return undef; } else { $DONE++ if $DONE; return $temp; } } sub to_s { my $self = shift; return join ' ', map { $_->to_s } reverse @$self; } sub add_termination { my $self = shift; $self->[-1]->on_notch( sub { $DONE = 1} ); } package main; my $o = Odometer->new; $o->add_wheel(qw/foo bar buz/); $o->add_wheel(qw/dark light/); $o->add_wheel(qw/red green blue yellow/); $o->add_termination; while (my $cur = $o->succ) { print $cur . "\n"; };