in reply to prototypes: so many \@'s?

( PS. Yes, I surely can sub ttt(@); ttt(\@a,\@b,\@c) but it is not at all as interesting as ttt(@a,@b,@c) )

Nor is it the same thing. The main reason that you should be considering the second option would be if you needed to pass the value of the arrays such that they would not potentially be modified by the subroutine you are calling. If you are not so worried about that possibility and more worried about potentially copying large data structures, the former is your best option.

Unfortunately, I can't offer any useful advice on the question at hand :)

perl -e 'split//,q{john hurl, pest caretaker}and(map{print @_[$_]}(joi +n(q{},map{sprintf(qq{%010u},$_)}(2**2*307*4993,5*101*641*5261,7*59*79 +*36997,13*17*71*45131,3**2*67*89*167*181))=~/\d{2}/g));'