in reply to What are the steps to put the form data into MS Access using Perl CGI?

Here's a working example using Win32::ODBC using a generic SystemDSN called LIMS2. You can read the perldoc (type perldoc Win32::ODBC on your command line) for a further explanation of the functions.
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; use Win32::ODBC; use CGI qw/:standard -debug/; my $data = new Win32::ODBC("LIMS2") or die ODBC::Error(); if (!defined($data)) { print "Unable to connect to LIMS DSN!"; exit; } my $IP = "unknown"; if (defined($ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'})) { $IP = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}; } my $sug = param('suggestion'); my $sqlstatement = qq(Insert into tblSuggestionBox (suggestion, IPAddr +ess,TimeOfSuggestion) VALUES (\'$sug\',\'$IP\',Now());); print "$sqlstatement\n"; $data->Sql($sqlstatement); if(defined($data->Error())) { print $data->Error(); } $data->Close(); my $data2 = new Win32::ODBC('LIMS2')||die ODBC::Error(); $data2->Sql("Select * from tblSuggestionBox"); print header, start_html, h1('Suggestions'); print "<table border\=\"1\">"; print Tr(td('Suggestion'), td('IPAddress'), td('Timestamp')); while ($data2->FetchRow()) { my %Ihash = $data2->DataHash(); print "<TR><TD width\=\"33%\">$Ihash{'suggestion'}</TD><TD wid +th\=\"33%\">$Ihash{'IPAddress'}</TD><TD width\=\"33%\">$Ihash{'TimeOf +Suggestion'}</TD></TR>\n"; } print "</table>"; print end_html; 1;
For those of you who notice that I used CGI and then manually added table tags, I seemed to have a problem with the way CGI handles manually defined tags on different systems. This method is thus more portable for me.

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