Category: Utility Scripts
Author/Contact Info
Description: Simple script I used to back up my Laptop before lease exchange. Was not looking to reinvent the wheel, saw rcopy after I wrote this and rcopy requires rsync. I was running XP with activestate perl, so seemed just as easy to write something quick that would do the job. update: Thanks graff for pointing out the error I had with mkpath
eval { mkpath (["$copy_to/$dir"]); }; die "Could not create Path $copy_to $dir $@" if($@);

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Path "mkpath";
use File::Copy;
use File::Spec;
use Archive::zip;

my $copy_from = 'C:/My Documents';
# local net copy
my $copy_to = 'x:\backup';  # my network share


sub rCopy {
    my $src = shift;
    my $dest = shift;
    $dest = $dest . ".zip";
    #print "**** $src\n";
    if( -f $src ) {  # if file  on unix also include -l from sym link
            print "DEBUG: " . (stat($src))[9] . " - " . (stat($dest))[
+9] . "$dest\n";
        if(-f $dest && (stat($src))[9] <= (stat($dest))[9]) { 
        # target file exists and in older
        print "--- Skipping file $dest\n";
        } else {
        my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
        my $file = $zip->addFile($src);
        print "Createing Zip File $dest\n";
        unless ($zip->writeToFileNamed($dest) == 0 ) { warn "--- Could
+ not create zip file\n"; }; 
        #print "+++Coping file $src to $dest\n\r";
        #copy $src, "$dest" || print "$!\n";
    } elsif( -d $src ) {
        # $src is a directory, open dir read contents.
        my ($volume,$dir,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $src,1 );
        print "*****Creating Dir: $copy_to/$dir\n\r";
        eval { mkpath (["$copy_to/$dir"]); }; 
        die "Could not create Path $copy_to $dir $@" if($@);

        my $dh = undef;
        opendir( $dh, $src );
        my @files = grep { (! /\.$/) } readdir($dh);
        foreach my $rSrc (@files) {
        print "Calling rCopy($src\/$rSrc,$copy_to\/$dest\/$rSrc)\n\r";
            rCopy("$src" . "/$rSrc", "$copy_to/$dir/$rSrc");
        #print "Skipping Dir: $src\n";