the_0ne has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi monks. This time I have more of a (which is the most resourceful way) type of question instead of help with code. I have a script that forks off some children. Now, the way it works is those children fork off, run and while they are processing the calling script is looking for their demise. Once they (pass away) I have a sleep look for a certain time period to restart each child separately again. So, you have children that come and go and then after a few seconds re-spawn.

Now, to the other way a co-worker and I were talking about running the script. The way I could have written this is to have the children spawn from the main script and then have the children maintain themselves by running forever and watching their own timing with sleep. So, now if I fork off 5 children, they won't go away until I say instead of dieing and re-spawning like the first paragraph.

My question is which way is more resourceful? Is it good for the children to die and re-spawn like that or would it be better to have them stay alive forever until forced to die and maintain their own set of code?

Both the co-worker gr0k and I are somewhat new to forking and were curious on what the monks would think about this.

Thanks Again Monks.