Category: Miscellaneous
Author/Contact Info Simon Proctor
Description: I recently finished a large project involving a lot of OO prgramming. Tired of all the get and set methods I came up with the code below along with a co-worker in our lunch breaks. We did it more for fun than anything else so feel free to cut and paste it if you find it useful :P.

Our first attempts are commented out so you can see where we started off and what we ended up with.

If there are any bugs please let me know!

package PKG;

sub new
    my $prototype = shift;  # Allows for inheritence

    my $class = ref($prototype) || $prototype;
    my $self = {};


    return $self;



package MAIN;

my $object = new PKG;


print $object->foo(), "\n";


print $object->foo(), "\n";