in reply to Re^2: resizing problem with Tk appl using PackForget
in thread resizing problem with Tk appl using PackForget

Do you perhaps know of an easy way to store/remember the pack arguments for each widget?

Make it a widget (read object)

my $rememberer = MakeHideDaddyChildButton( -buttonDaddy => $top_frame, -hidersDaddy => $mw, # gets resized -hiders => [ $top_frame, $middle_frame ], #daddys kiddys ); $rememberer->pack;

This does leave the problem that after a resize, the 'hide' action does not minimize the container frame. Any idea how to get that fixed?

Um, repack the container frame (or its parent, or mainwindow ) .... or better idea, only ever forget/repack the container frame

Might need to resize (->geometry)

I'd have posted an example, but I was already working on this one, keep shooting, and watch the canvas resize :) the mainwindow doesn't resize

#!/usr/bin/perl -- use strict; use warnings; use Tk; my $packArgs = do { my @packargs = ( [ qw/-expand 0 / ], [ qw/-expand 1 -fill x / ], [ qw/-expand 1 -fill y / ], [ qw/-expand 1 -fill both / ], ); my $ix = -1; my $xx = @packargs ; sub { $ix++; warn $ix % $xx ; return @{ $packargs[ $ix % $xx ] }; }; }; my $mw = tkinit; $mw->Button( -text => 'BANG!', -command => \&bangBang )->pack(qw/-side top -anchor n/); my $ca = $mw->Canvas( background => 'white' ) ->pack( $packArgs->() ); $ca->createOval( 50, 50, 100, 100, -fill => 'pink', ); MainLoop; exit 0; sub bangBang { my $b = $Tk::event->W; $mw->Busy; $b->configure(-state => "disabled"); my $text = $b->cget(qw/ -text /); unless( $text =~ s/(\d+)/ $1 + 1 /e ){ $text .= " 1"; } $b->configure( -text => $text); $ca->packForget; $mw->update; sleep 1; $ca->pack( $packArgs->() ); $mw->Unbusy; $b->configure(-state => "normal"); $mw->update; }