in reply to Re^6: resizing problem with Tk appl using PackForget
in thread resizing problem with Tk appl using PackForget

What you can also add is code to watch for the resize event, occuring while the Frames are unpacked. You can keep a running array of the current window size.

It seems to me that repacking your children into larger frames might be accomplished by using -fill=>both -expand=>1 in the packing, and then calling the packPropagate command.... but that is untested.

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Tk; my $mw = new MainWindow; my $current_size = $mw->reqwidth . "x" . $mw->reqheight; my $old_current_size = $current_size; $mw->bind( '<Configure>', sub{ &OnResize }); my $leave = 0; $mw->bind( '<Leave>',sub { $leave = 1; } ); $mw->bind( '<Enter>',sub { $leave = 0; &OnResize; } ); MainLoop; sub OnResize { my $current_size = $mw->width . "x" . $mw->height; if( $leave == 1) {return } if($old_current_size eq $current_size){return} ## Resize has occurred do something: printf( "Resize happened - old size: %s, new size: %s\n", $old_current_size, $current_size ); ## set the old size to the new size $old_current_size = $current_size; }

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