in reply to this place should define a relation to CPAN soon

Who the heck is Elaine Ashton? And why are you asking me to listen closely to her without providing a single link to something she has said that relates to the topic at hand?

As for a formal relationship to CPAN, I think supporting a CPAN link tag and the CPAN search nodelet are enough. The code here is different from the code at CPAN-- and I'm sorry if you think that's somehow denigrating to either PM or CPAN, but it's not. I mean, this is a non-issue or someone would be spouting off about it in c.l.p.* (or have they and I didn't notice?). And yes, centralization of resources is a bad thing. Especially when the resources don't have that much in common. Sure they're both in Perl, but the scripts here are usually what I would consider application space (designed to be used by users) and exemplary code (designed to be learned from, not necessarily used as is) and CPAN is what I would consider perl space (code designed to extend perl for the programmer).