in reply to Re^3: bug or curly bracket hell?
in thread bug or curly bracket hell?

I was able to shorten my code by 100 lines taking in the advice. I can use it with perl -c, but I've run into another issue.. I'm getting use of uniniatlized value for each DB varible in the SQL part of the code to connect to the db, for example use of uniniatlized value $VARDB_database in concatenation or string at line 29. Each line the program reads it says, argument "SRC 125,Emma,,boston,,in,48011,8123456787" isnt numeric in array element at line 118. input same line is: SRC 125 "Emma Boston IN 48011 8127429212" its a 20000 line excel doc. Tried googling the error codes and ask my coworker but no such luck, my coworker and the one before him have never bothered with strict so all of our perl scripts don't use it. This is what I have now.
print " use strict; use warnings; use Excel::Writer::XLSX; use DBI; use Time::Piece; use Math::Round; #path to astguiclient configuration file: my $PATHconf = '/etc/astguiclient.conf'; my ( $PATHlogs, $VARserver_ip, $VARDB_server, $VARDB_database, $VARDB_user, $VARDB_pass, $VARDB_custom_user, $VARDB_custom_pass, $VARDB_port); open('conf', "$PATHconf") || die "can't open $PATHconf: $!\n"; my @conf = <conf>; close('conf'); my $i=0; foreach(@conf){ my $line = $conf[$i]; my $t= "".$i; my $dbhA = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$VARDB_database:$VARDB_server:$ +VARDB_port", "$VARDB_user", "$VARDB_pass") or die "Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr; my $rowCount = 0; my $filename = "Output012023.xlsx"; my $workbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( $filename ); open(FH, "<", "Debt.csv" ) or die; my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet('List'); my $worksheet2 = $workbook->add_worksheet('List2'); my $format = $workbook->add_format(); my $format1 = $workbook->add_format(); #my $format2 = $workbook->add_format(); $format->set_center_across(); $format1->set_color( 'red' ); #$format2->set_bold(); #print join("\n", map { s|/|::|g; s|\.pm$||; $_ } keys %INC); #proper format must be used for the file or it will give an error $worksheet->set_column( 8, 8, 20 ); $worksheet->set_column( 10, 10, 15 ); $worksheet->set_column( 4, 4, 18 ); #$worksheet->set_column( 5, 5, 15 ); #$worksheet->set_column( 12, 12, 65 ); $worksheet->write(0, 0, "source_id" ); $worksheet->write(0, 1, "first_name" ); $worksheet->write(0, 2, "middle" ); $worksheet->write(0, 3, "last_name" ); $worksheet->write(0, 4, "address1" ); $worksheet->write(0, 5, "city"); $worksheet->write(0, 6, "state"); $worksheet->write(0, 7, "postal_code"); $worksheet->write(0, 8, "phone_number"); $worksheet->write(0, 9, "address3"); $worksheet->write(0, 10,"province"); $worksheet->write(0, 11, "email"); my $rowCount1 = my $rowCount2 = 0; #$worksheet2->set_column( 8, 8, 20 ); #$worksheet2->set_column( 10, 10, 15 ); #$worksheet2->set_column( 4, 4, 20 ); #$worksheet2->set_column( 5, 5, 15 ); #$worksheet2->set_column( 12, 12, 62 ); $worksheet2->write(0, 0, "source_id" ); $worksheet2->write(0, 1, "first_name" ); $worksheet2->write(0, 2, "middle" ); $worksheet2->write(0, 3, "last_name" ); $worksheet2->write(0, 4, "address1" ); $worksheet2->write(0, 5, "city"); $worksheet2->write(0, 6, "state"); $worksheet2->write(0, 7, "postal_code"); $worksheet2->write(0, 8, "phone_number"); $worksheet2->write(0, 9, "address3"); $worksheet2->write(0, 10,"province"); $worksheet2->write(0, 11, "email"); my $test=0; my $oZ=0; #RowCount1 writes for the whole page then 100 lines later it goes +to rowcoutn2 may need changed while (<FH>){ chomp; my @t= split(',',$_); if (length($t[8]) == 10) { # && (length($t[7])==4 || length($ +t[7])==5)) { if (!defined($t[7]) || $t[7] eq ''){ my $stmt ="SELECT postal_code, state FROM asterisk.vic +idial_postal_codes WHERE state='".$t[6]."' limit 1;"; my $sth = $dbhA->prepare($stmt) or die "preparing: ",$ +dbhA->errstr; $sth->execute or die "executing: $stmt ", $dbhA->errst +r; my $sthrows= $sth->rows; my $Count=0; #$z=""; while($sthrows>$Count) { my @ary = $sth->fetchrow_array; $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, $_, $t[$_]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, $_, $ary[$_]); $Count++; } } else { if (!defined($t[6]) || $t[6] eq '' || length($t[6])>2 +|| length($t[6])<2){ my $stmt = "SELECT state, postal_code FROM asteris +k.vicidial_postal_codes WHERE postal_code='".$t[7]."' Limit 1;"; my $sth = $dbhA->prepare($stmt) or die "preparing: + ",$dbhA->errstr; $sth->execute or die "executing: $stmt ", $dbhA->e +rrstr; my $sthrows=$sth->rows; my $Count=0; while($sthrows>$Count){ my @ary = $sth->fetchrow_array; $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, $_, $t[$_]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, $_, $ary[$_]) +; $Count++; } } else { $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, $_, $t[$_]); } $rowCount1++; } } else { my $z=""; if (!defined($t[7]) || $t[7] eq '' || length($t[7])>5 || l +ength($t[7])<=3){ my $stmt="SELECT postal_code, state FROM asterisk.vici +dial_postal_codes WHERE state='".$t[6]."' and postal_code not in ('00 +501','00544') limit 1;"; my $sth = $dbhA->prepare($stmt) or die "preparing: ",$ +dbhA->errstr; $sth->execute or die "executing:$stmt ", $dbhA->errstr +; my $sthrows= $sth->rows; my $Count=0; $oZ=$t[7]; while($sthrows>$Count){ my @ary = $sth->fetchrow_array; $z=$ary[0]; $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, $_, $t[$_]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, $_, $ary[$_]); $Count++; } } else { if (!defined($t[6]) || $t[6] eq '' || length($t[6])>2 +|| length($t[6])<2){ my $stmt="SELECT state, postal_code FROM asterisk. +vicidial_postal_codes WHERE postal_code='".$t[7]."' Limit 1;"; my $sth = $dbhA->prepare($stmt) or die "preparing: + ",$dbhA->errstr; $sth->execute or die "executing: $stmt ", $dbhA->e +rrstr; my $sthrows=$sth->rows; my $Count=0; while($sthrows>$Count){ my @ary = $sth->fetchrow_array; $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, $_, $t[$_]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, $_, $ary[$_]) +; $Count++; } } else { $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, $_, $t[$_]) } } if (length($t[8]) < 10 || length($t[8]) > 10){ $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 12, 'phone is incorre +ct.', $format1); } if (defined($z) || $z ne ''){ $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 12, $oZ.' Zip code ha +s been updated '.$z.'.', $format1); } elsif (length($t[8]) < 10 || length($t[8]) > 10) { $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 12, ' Zip code update +d, but has bad phone. ', $format1); } $rowCount2++; } } $rowCount++; } my $workbook->close(); #print $rowCount1.'-'.$rowCount2.'-'.$rowCount; close(FH);\n";

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^5: bug or curly bracket hell?
by kcott (Archbishop) on Jan 24, 2023 at 23:46 UTC

    You have a bogus 'print "' at the start of your code. The closing quote for that string is 'open('conf', "' (many lines later). All of the apparent use statements and my declarations, in the intervening code, are just part of the string; they are not Perl statements that will be executed.

    — Ken

      Note though the last line:



      Optimising for fewest key strokes only makes sense transmitting to Pluto or beyond

        The first screenful was depressing enough. I didn't even bother to look any further. :-)

        — Ken

Re^5: bug or curly bracket hell?
by Anonymous Monk on Jan 24, 2023 at 23:40 UTC
      my $PATHconf = '/etc/astguiclient.conf'; # declared and initialized
      my ( # declared with "my" but not initialized
    You need to initialize your declared variables by defining their values:
      my $PATHconf       = '/etc/astguiclient.conf';
      my $PATHlogs       = '/path/to/logs';
      my $VARserver_ip   = '';
      my $VARDB_server   = 'your_db_server';
      my $VARDB_database = 'name_of_database';
      my $VARDB_user     = 'the_db_username';
      my $VARDB_pass     = 'the_db_password';