in reply to Not a Sieve

See also prime factorization using base 1 which suggests

print"$_,"x(1x$_)!~/^(11+)\1+$/ for 2..232

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Re^2: The Sieve
by hdb (Monsignor) on Mar 16, 2015 at 17:56 UTC

    Which is not a Sieve! But then the OP's proposal is neither...

    Update: this is a sieve (specify sieve size on command line):

    $_=";"x(pop);s;.;.;;$;=~s:.:.:g,s:($;).:$1.:g,s,($;).,$1:,while($;)=m: +(.+?);:;s;:;1+pos();ge;say
      It's not. Hm.. gotta write a real one now.