Category: Utility Scripts
Author/Contact Info Ed Halley <> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
Description: The historically common head(1) and tail(1) commands are for keeping the head or tail of stream input, usually by a count of lines. This pair of scripts differ in three respects:
  • these scripts don't show the head or tail, they show everything except the head or tail,
  • these scripts don't count lines but instead work on a single regex (regular expression) to find a matching "cut here" point in the text,
  • these scripts can actually modify/edit text files in place if filenames are given.

Check out the pod output for a complete man-page.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Ed Halley

=head1 NAME

unhead - remove the lines before a match from the input stream

untail - remove the lines following a match from the input stream


# Both 'unhead' and 'untail' are identical; they determine the task fr
# the $0 perl variable.  The scripts can be linked or symlinked or sim
# copied, and will still work as long as they have the correct filenam


    unhead  '--BEGIN MESSAGE--'  *.txt

    untail  '--END MESSAGE--'  *.txt


The historically common C<head>(1) and C<tail>(1) commands are for
keeping the head or tail of stream input, usually by a count of lines.
This pair of scripts differ in two respects: these scripts work on a
single regex (regular expression) to find a matching "cut here" point 
the text, and these scripts edit text files in place.

By default, the first argument should be a regular expression that sho
match at least once in each subsequent file.  If no additional argumen
are given, or if the filename is a hyphen (-), then the standard input
and standard output streams are assumed.  For filenames, each file is
processed in turn, creating a backup file with a tilde (~) appended to
the original name.

The C<unhead> variant will remove the header above the given match, an
write out the tail (including the first matching line).  The C<untail>
variant will remove the trailing below the given match, and only write
out the head (not including the first matching line).



use warnings;
use strict;

my $want = ($0 =~ /untail/)? 'head' : 'tail';
my $suffix = '~';

my $pattern = shift(@ARGV);
die "First argument should be a regular expression string" if not $pat
$pattern = qr/$pattern/;
@ARGV = ('-') if not @ARGV;



sub main
    while (@_)
    my $inp = *STDIN;
    my $outp = *STDOUT;
    my $file = shift;
    if ($file ne '-')
        die if not -w $file;
        $inp = *FIN; $inp = *FIN; # hush hush warning warning
        $outp = *FOUT; $outp = *FOUT;
        unlink($file.$suffix) if -f $file.$suffix;
        rename($file, $file.$suffix);
        open($inp, $file.$suffix)
        or die "Cannot open $file";
        open($outp, '>'.$file)
        or die "Cannot open $file";

    my $have = 'head';
    while (<$inp>)
        $have = 'tail' if m{$pattern};
        print $outp $_ if $want eq $have;

    if ($file ne '-')



=head1 IDEAS

    # chop off email routing header info (first empty line)
    cat email.msg | unhead '^$'  

    # just students from "Danziger, Jane" to "Funicello, Thomas"
    query-students | sort | unhead '^D' | untail '^G'

    # keep the center section of a YACC grammar
    unhead '^%%$' *.y ; untail '^%%$' *.y

=head1 BUGS

The C<unhead> variety will discard everything and leave an empty file 
no lines match the given pattern.  This is not a bug, but worth a
warning.  In the case of actual files, you still have the tilde backup

The script for both C<unhead> and C<untail> are identical, and one can
+ be
a link to the other.  The script determines which part to keep based o
the script's name.

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (C) 2001-2003  Ed Halley  <>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify i
under the same terms as Perl itself.  For details on the Perl Artistic
License, read the F<>

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: unhead and untail
by dmitri (Priest) on Apr 15, 2003 at 19:54 UTC
    A couple of thoughts:

    The cutting up of input stream as you describe can be much done much easier with sed, for instance, instead of

    query-students | sort | unhead '^D' | untail '^G'
    query-students | sort | sed '/^D/,/^G/p; d'
    Also, neither head nor tail modify files they operate on. I understand, you were probably solving a specific problem, but this script can be generalized even more.
      unhead is superfluous even with inplace editing given recent versions of GNU sed, as they sport an -i switch for inplace editing just like Perl has. What you still can't do with sed is specify "X lines before end of file" addresses.

      Makeshifts last the longest.

        > What you still can't do with sed is specify "X lines before end of file" addresses.

        Neither can this utility, read the description.