in reply to How to remove HTML tags from text

You can do better than just replacing the "<" and ">" characters - as these do not prevent all attacks.

Have a look at HTML::Scrubber and HTML::Filter.

Using the first is as simple as this:

my @allow = qw[ ul li ol p br hr b a i pre blockquote tt dl dd dt ]; my @rules = ( script => 0, img => { src => qr{^(http://)}i, # only absolute image links allowed alt => 1, # alt attribute allowed '*' => 0, # deny all other attributes }, a => { href => 1, # HREF title => 1, # ALT attribute allowed rel => 1, # Link relationship '*' => 0, # deny all other attributes }, ); # my @default = ( 0 => # default rule, deny all tags { '*' => 1, # default rule, allow all attributes 'href' => qr{^(?!(?:java)?script)}i, 'src' => qr{^(?!(?:java)?script)}i, 'cite' => '(?i-xsm:^(?!(?:java)?script))', 'language' => 0, 'name' => 1, # could be sneaky, but hey ;) 'onblur' => 0, 'onchange' => 0, 'onclick' => 0, 'ondblclick' => 0, 'onerror' => 0, 'onfocus' => 0, 'onkeydown' => 0, 'onkeypress' => 0, 'onkeyup' => 0, 'onload' => 0, 'onmousedown' => 0, 'onmousemove' => 0, 'onmouseout' => 0, 'onmouseover' => 0, 'onmouseup' => 0, 'onreset' => 0, 'onselect' => 0, 'onsubmit' => 0, 'onunload' => 0, 'src' => 0, 'type' => 0, } ); # # Create the scrubber. # my $safe = HTML::Scrubber->new(); $safe->allow( @allow ); $safe->rules( @rules ); $safe->default( @default ); # deny HTML Comments $safe->comment(0); # # Update each paramater with the cleaned version # my $form = new CGI; foreach my $p ( $form->param() ) { my $val = $form->param($p); $val = $safe->scrub( $val ); $form->param( $p, $val ); }

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Re^2: How to remove HTML tags from text
by nejcPirc (Acolyte) on Feb 04, 2005 at 12:16 UTC
    Thanks a lot man:)