in reply to XML::Simple help

Not sure if XML::Simple can do it, but a little post processing will do:
my $ref = XMLin($data, KeyAttr => { charge => "code"}); my %hash = map { ($_, $ref->{charge}->{$_}->{name}) } keys %{$ref->{charge}}; $ref = \%hash;

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Re^2: XML::Simple help
by holli (Abbot) on Mar 08, 2005 at 06:01 UTC
    That's something I'd like to have in a class.
    package ChargeTypeXML; sub new { my $class = shift; my %args = shift; my $ref = XMLin($args->{file}, KeyAttr => { charge => "code"}); my %hash = map { ($_, $ref->{charge}->{$_}->{name}) } keys %{$ref->{charge}}; $ref = \%hash; bless $ref, $class; return $ref; } sub toXML { print qq{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n}; print qq{<charge-type-control>\n}; for keys ( %{$self} ) { print qq{<charge code="$_" name="}, $self->{$_}, qq{frtamt"/>\n}; } print qq{</charge-type-control>}; } 1; #in the script: use ChargeTypeXML; my $xml = ChargeTypeXML->new (file=>"xmlfile");

    Of course this only works, when all "codes" in the xml are unique.

    Note: untested

    holli, /regexed monk/