in reply to Re^2: Win32::OLE formattings
in thread Win32::OLE formattings

Your original code...

use strict; use Win32::OLE; use Win32::OLE qw(in with); use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Word'; use Constant 'True' => 1; use Constant 'False' => 0; $Win32::OLE::Warn = 2; # Throw Errors, I'll catch them my $word = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Word.Application') || Win32::OLE->new('Word.Application', 'Quit'); my $mydoc = $word->activedocument; my $rng = $mydoc->{range}; $rng->find->clearformatting; $rng->find->font->{'Bold'}= "True"; $rng->find->replacement->clearformatting; $rng->find->execute({findtext=>"[0-9]{1,}", wrap=>wdFindContinue, replacewith=>"<bold>^&</bold>", matchwildcards=>'True', replace=>wdReplaceAll});

I've tried your code in Word (as a user) and it works. For anyone reading this, ^& is whatever Find just found/matched against.

Recording a macro suggests the code:

use strict; use Win32::OLE; use Win32::OLE qw(in with); use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Word'; use Constant 'True' => 1; use Constant 'False' => 0; $Win32::OLE::Warn = 2; # Throw Errors, I'll catch them my $word = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Word.Application') || Win32::OLE->new('Word.Application', 'Quit'); my $mydoc = $word->activedocument; my $Selection = $word->{Selection}; $Selection->Find->ClearFormatting(); $Selection->Find->Font->{Bold} = True; $Selection->Find->Replacement->ClearFormatting(); with ($Selection->Find->Replacement->Font, Bold => True, Italic => False ); $Selection->Find->{Text} = "[0-9]{1,}"; $Selection->Find->Replacement->{Text} = "<bold>^&</bold>"; $Selection->Find->{Forward} = True; $Selection->Find->{Wrap} = wdFindContinue; $Selection->Find->{Format} = True; $Selection->Find->{MatchCase} = False; $Selection->Find->{MatchWholeWord} = False; $Selection->Find->{MatchWildcards} = True; $Selection->Find->{MatchSoundsLike} = False; $Selection->Find->{MatchAllWordForms} = False; $Selection->Find->Execute( {Replace=>wdReplaceAll} );
I've not tested it but hopefully it'll help...

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Re^4: Win32::OLE formattings
by Anonymous Monk on Mar 10, 2005 at 01:29 UTC

    Thanks for your effort, it works for me, but it is replacing all the numbers in the document. What i want is, i want to replace the numbers in the bold font alone.