Being bored at work makes me think about silly things, and I just wanted to play with this idea a little.

Yes, I'm using a few of the same tricks, and I'm not taking the obfuscation to a higher degree, but I got tired of toying with this, so here it is:

#!/usr/bin/perl $_=q| and za::PERL{INeD _,$0;@I=<_>;$I=$I[-1]}and rnaaiA::aIviet{@I=aN +lit//,$I;Z "\n$I[3]\l$I[-2]$I[-6]$I[21]$I[-5]"}and iD::aAya{Z"$I[-9]$I[4]\l$I[-3] +t$I[-10]". "$I[2]\l$I[-13] "}and drejDev::dnt{Z TAN{T/Y/i&&"\L\n$_\E"}TAN{$_=~a/: +://&&$_}@A }and Y::z{@A=TAN{leDgth==6?$_:""}keya%{*::}}and Tight::yIn{Z" zer,"}|; +y{aIDNnTd} {sonpumb} ; s(Z){print}g and s{z}[hack]g and chomp;s|Y|perl|g and y[A] +{a}; eval; you might hack perl, but brejnev says in soviet russia PERL hacks YOU
I suppose I should hide this bit in case you don't want a spoiler:
Yes, I found out later that it's spelled Brezhnev, so no need to correct me there. But when you unravel it, you'll see why I can't change the spelling :)


Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: not very obfuscated, some of the same tricks
by turo (Friar) on Jan 14, 2006 at 01:24 UTC

    I'm reading the code, and it seems like a perl-encoded substitution cipher :-P ...

    I can imagine the code behind your '$_' ... but i'm too lazy tonight ... i'm tempted to subst. your final 'eval' for a simple print ... tic, tac, tic, tac

    Updated (Sat, 14 Jan 2006 01:43:50 +0100)

    I'm surprised though! ^_^ ,
    ... a good lesson of humility


    perl -Te 'print map { chr((ord)-((10,20,2,7)[$i++])) } split //,"turo"'