VSarkiss's user image [Account disabled]
User since: Apr 13, 2001 at 05:29 UTC (23 years ago)
Last here: Aug 16, 2007 at 16:34 UTC (17 years ago)
Experience: 13489
Level:Monsignor (18)
Writeups: 1011
Location:San Dimas, California (home of Bill and Ted)
User's localtime: Apr 18, 2024 at 10:43 PDT
Scratchpad: View
For this user:Search nodes

I like this list of node archeological finds.

At this point you're probably wondering whether the lowest-numbered nodes mean anything.

If I had to pick one node here as my all-time favorite, it would have to be 1st Monasterians.

I've never written anything that nice around here, just a bunch of doggerel.

I'm a computer consultant by profession. I wrote my first computer program in 1976, using Fortran on a CDC 6600, reportedly the first machine to be called a supercomputer.

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Shotgun of Moderation. Get yours.

If you need to contact me personally, you can send me mail by using the address generated from this: unpack('u', '25E-A<FMI<W-`<&]B;W@N8V]M') or you can just look at the Monk stats, or read the invisible ink here.