in reply to Re: XP Perl Replacement for "Send to Clipboard as Filename"
in thread XP Perl Replacement for "Send to Clipboard as Filename"

And I love wperl - never knew about it before. Thanks!

map{$a=1-$_/10;map{$d=$a;$e=$b=$_/20-2;map{($d,$e)=(2*$d*$e+$a,$e**2 -$d**2+$b);$c=$d**2+$e**2>4?$d=8:_}1..50;print$c}0..59;print$/}0..20
Tom Melly, pm (at) cursingmaggot (stop) co (stop) uk

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Re^3: XP Perl Replacement for "Send to Clipboard as Filename"
by Sandy (Curate) on Aug 20, 2009 at 16:41 UTC
    wperl is particularly useful if you are writing gui apps (such as Perl/Tk).

    Down side, any error/warning messages disappear into aether surrounding your computer.

    Usually I use perl while coding/debugging, and wperl for release

      Down side, any error/warning messages disappear into aether surrounding your computer.

      I once hacked a module that calls Win32::MsgBox() whenever a fatal error occurs, so you see errors even when running wperl:

      package ExePM::Carp; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Exporter'; use Carp qw(); use Win32; our @EXPORT=qw(confess croak carp); our @EXPORT_OK=qw(cluck die); our $VERSION='1.00'; BEGIN { *CORE::GLOBAL::die=$main::SIG{__DIE__}=\&ExePM::Carp::die; } sub confess { ExePM::Carp::die Carp::longmess @_; } sub croak { ExePM::Carp::die Carp::shortmess @_; } sub carp { warn Carp::shortmess @_; } sub cluck { warn Carp::longmess @_; } sub die { my ($arg,@rest)=@_; CORE::die($arg,@rest) if ref($arg) || $^S || Carp::longmess()=~/ev +al [\{\']/m; $arg=join('',$arg,@rest); unless ($arg=~/\n$/) { my ($pkg,$file,$line)=caller(0); $arg.=" at $file line $line.\n"; } Win32::MsgBox($arg,MB_ICONSTOP,$0); CORE::die($arg); }; 1;


      Today I will gladly share my knowledge and experience, for there are no sweeter words than "I told you so". ;-)