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Making perlmonks seach engine friendlyby blakem (Monsignor) |
on Aug 17, 2001 at 13:43 UTC ( [id://105640]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
As many of you know, search engines do a poor job indexing
dynamic content. URLs with question marks in them are
sometimes trimmed, and usually not "followed" (i.e. added to
the indexing list when encountered in another page) Therefore, sites which are entirely dynamic (such as PM)
tend to get skipped by search engines.
This has all been discussed before (see PerlMonks and Google and CGI queries without '?') but nothing has been done about it. Therefore, I wrote up a quick "mirror" which maps dynamic pages on PM to static pages on one of my domains. They have a big "Go to the Real Perlmonks" link for actual people to use, and have all nodelets turned off. Since, these pages can be indexed readilly by search engines, my goal is to help build our community by bringing more perl programmers to the site. I'm wondering if anyone has any strong feelings on this. If people don't think its appropriate its easy enough to pull the plug on it. I've already made a few tweaks to it (for instance, the Offering Plate isn't mirrored, it sends you to the actual one -- same with links to The Monestary) When you try it out, keep in mind that it being run by a monk for the monks, so if you have any questions/suggestions/trepidations just let me know. p.s. I has a boss who liked to call these setups "goat pages" after that unfortunate goat used to lure the dinosaurs in Jurrasic park. -Blake
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