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Here's one example. The Hamming sequence is the sequence of numbers whose prime factors are only 2, 3 and 5, in ascending order. Writing a program to print out the sequence is non-trivial (we exclude "solutions" which must store the entire sequence in a large array and the like). It used to be the poster example of co-routines, but current style more likely favours a functional program using streams and (somewhat) lazy evaluation.
Read about streams in this chapter of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. The program below is a translation to Perl of a streams-based program to print out the Hamming sequence.
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# Output the Hamming sequence
use strict;
package Stream;
sub new {
my ($class, $hd, $tl) = @_;
$class = ref $class || $class;
bless { _hd => $hd, _tl => $tl }, $class
sub head {
my $self=shift;
sub tail {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_tl} = $self->{_tl}->()
if ref $self->{_tl} eq 'CODE';
sub exec {
my ($self, $code, $n) = @_;
for my $i (1..$n) {
$self = $self->tail
package main;
sub merge {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
return ($a->head == $b->head) ?
new Stream($a->head, sub { merge($a->tail, $b->tail) }) :
($a->head < $b->head) ?
new Stream($a->head, sub { merge($a->tail, $b) }) :
new Stream($b->head, sub { merge($a, $b->tail) });
sub mult {
my ($a, $s) = @_;
return new Stream($a*$s->head, sub { mult($a,$s->tail) });
my $hamming;
$hamming = new Stream(1,
sub {
merge( mult(2, $hamming),
merge(mult(3, $hamming),
mult(5, $hamming)))
my @x;
$hamming->exec(sub { push @x, shift }, 1000);
print "@x\n";
EDIT (20020506): fix indentation (Perlmonks does horrible things to tabs; glad it's not Pythonmonks).
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A good resource on functional techniques in Perl is
Dominus. He has several past articles on it, and is
currently writing a book on the topic.
Of course, after obvious substitutions, if you know how to
do functional programming in any language, you can in any
other which supports the necessary notions. Which most
scripting languages these days (Perl, Python, Ruby,
JavaScript, etc) seem to in addition to all of the usual
suspects. | [reply] |