# Class: Tk::Wizard
# Description: The Tk::Wizard class is a Tk component that allows u
+sers to create a
# Microsoft style application wizard without having to w
+rite the code to
# manage the wizard framework components, like event dis
+patching, etc.
package Tk::Wizard;
use SelfLoader;
use Tk;
use Tk::JPEG;
use Tk::Text;
use strict;
no strict 'refs';
# Method: new
# Description: Creates a new object of type Tk::Wizard and sets the
+ default state
# Parameters: None
# Exceptions: N/A in this release
sub new($) {
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref( $invocant) || $invocant;
my $self = { # required for GUI operation
hWin => $_[0],
# configuration parameters
title => "Generic Wizard",
filename => "image.jpg",
# event handling references
preNextButtonAction => undef,
postNextButtonAction => undef,
prePrevButtonAction => undef,
postPrevButtonAction => undef,
preHelpButtonAction => undef,
helpButtonAction => undef,
postHelpButtonAction => undef,
preFinishButtonAction => undef,
finishButtonAction => undef,
postFinishButtonAction => undef,
preCancelButtonAction => undef,
preCloseWindowAction => undef,
# wizard page control list and ptr
wizardPageList => [], # ref to empty
wizardPagePtr => 0,
# internally used to track the wizard page being shown
wizardFrame => ""
return bless( $self, $class);
} # end of sub new
# Method: setActionEventHandlers
# Description: Allows the documented set of actions to be overwritt
+en to hook the Tk::Wizard
# framework into the application. While no handler must
+be overwritten, it is
# very useful to overwrite the helpButtionAction and the
+ finishButtonAction
# event handlers.
# Parameters: None
# Exceptions: N/A in this release
sub setActionEventHandlers {
my $self = shift;
my %newHandlers = ( @_ );
foreach( keys %newHandlers) {
$self->{"$_"} = $newHandlers{$_};
} # end of foreach
} # end of setActionEventHandlers
# Method: setParamaters
# Description: Provide useful definitions for the two main paramete
+rs - title and filename. title
# refers to the scalar string that will be printed on th
+e wizard's title bar. filename
# is the location and name of a JPEG file that should be
+ displayed on the left side of
# the wizard.
# Parameters: None
# Exceptions: N/A in this release
sub setParameters {
my $self = shift;
my %newParams = ( @_ );
foreach( keys %newParams) {
$self->{"$_"} = $newParams{"$_"};
} # end of foreach
} # end of setParameters
# Method: addWizardPage
# Description: Puts the passed in wizard page at the end of the wizard
+ page list.
# Parameters: $page = The wizard page that should be added to the
+end of the wizard list.
# Exceptions: N/A in this release
sub addWizardPage {
my ($self, $page) = @_;
push @{$self->{wizardPageList}}, $page;
} # end of sub addWizardPage
# Method: currentPage
# Description: Returns the page number that is currently being disp
+layed. Page counting starts with 1.
# Parameters: None
# Exceptions: N/A in this release
sub currentPage {
my($self) = @_;
return ($self->{wizardPagePtr} + 1);
} # end of sub currentPage
# Functions below this level are only loaded on demand. This gives the
+ appearance of
# faster load times. See module SelfLoader for details.
sub parent {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{hWin};
# Method: wpFrame
# Description: This returns a Tk::Frame object that is a child of t
+he Wizard control. It should be
# used when creating wizard pages since some padding parameter
+s are applied to it by
# the wizard control.
# Parameters: N/A
# Exceptions: N/A in this release
sub wpFrame {
my ($self) = @_;
my $frame = $self->{hWin}->Frame( -width => 400, -height => 400);
$frame->packPropagate( 0);
return $frame;
} # end of wpFrame
# Method: Show
# Description: The Show method actually creates all of the necessary c
+omponents on the window that is
# set in the new method. It is important that Wizard appl
+ications that use MainWindow for
# drawing the Wizard also dispatch MainLoop after the Sho
+w method.
# Parameters: None
# Exceptions: N/A in this release
sub Show {
my ($self) = @_;
# builds the buttons on the bottom of thw wizard
my $buttonPanel = $self->{hWin}->Frame();
$buttonPanel->Button( -text => "Cancel",
-command => [ \&CancelButtonEventCycle,
+$self, $self->{hWin}],
-width => 10
) ->pack( -side => "right", -expand => 0);
$self->{nextButtonRef} = $buttonPanel->Button( -text => "Next >",
-command => [ \&NextButtonEventCycle, $self
+ ],
-width => 10
)->pack( -side => "right"
+, -expand => 0);
$self->{prevButtonRef} = $buttonPanel->Button( -text => "< Previou
-command => [ \&PrevBut
+tonEventCycle, $self ],
-width => 10,
-state => "disabled"
)->pack( -side => "right", -expand => 0);
$buttonPanel->Button( -text => "Help",
-command => [ \&HelpButtonEventCycle, $s
+elf ],
-width => 10
)->pack( -side => 'left', -anchor => 'w');
$buttonPanel->pack( -side => "bottom", -fill => 'x', -pady => 4, -
+padx => 4);
# builds the image on the left side of the wizard
$self->{hWin}->Photo( "sidebanner", -format => "jpeg", -file => $s
$self->{hWin}->Label( -image => "sidebanner")->pack( -side => "lef
+t", -anchor => "w");
# This populates the wizard page panel on the side of the screen.
$self->{wizardFrame} =
+ack( -side => "top", -expand => 0);
# setup the containing window to match the criteria for a wizard w
$self->{hWin}->configure( -title => $self->{title});
$self->{hWin}->resizable( 0, 0); # forbid resize
$self->{hWin}->withdraw; # position in screen cente
$self->{hWin}->transient; # forbid minimize
$self->{hWin}->protocol( WM_DELETE_WINDOW => [ \&CloseWindowEv
+entCycle, $self, $self->{hWin}]);
} # end of sub Show
# Method: dispatch
# Description: Thin wrapper to dispatch event cycles as needed
# Parameters: The dispatch function is an internal function used to
+ determine if the dispatch back reference
# is undefined or if it should be dispatched. Undefined method
+s are used to denote dispatchback
# methods to bypass. This reduces the number of method dispatc
+hs made for each handler and also
# increased the usability of the set methods above when trying
+ to unregister event handlers.
# Exceptions: N/A in this release
sub dispatch {
my ($handler) = @_;
if( defined $handler) { return !($handler->());}
return 0;
} # end of sub dispatch
# Method: NextButtonEventCycle
# Description: Runs the complete view of the action handler cycle for
+the "Next>" button on the
# wizard button bar. This includes dispatching the preNex
+tButtonAction and
# postNextButtonAction handler at the apporprate times.
# Parameters: None
# Exceptions: N/A in this release
sub NextButtonEventCycle {
my ($self) = @_;
if( dispatch( $self->{preNextButtonAction})) { return;}
# advance the wizard page pointer and then adjust the navigation bu
# readraw the frame when finished to get changes to take effect.
$self->{wizardPagePtr} = $#{$self->{wizardPageList}} if( $self->{wi
+zardPagePtr} >= $#{ $self->{wizardPageList}});
if( $self->{nextButtonRef}->cget( -text) eq "Finish") {
if( dispatch( $self->{finishButtonAction})) { return; }
$self->{prevButtonRef}->configure( -state => "normal");
$self->{nextButtonRef}->configure( -text => "Finish") if( $self->{w
+izardPagePtr} == $#{ $self->{wizardPageList}});
if( dispatch( $self->{postNextButtonAction})) { return; }
} # end of sub NextButtonEventCycle
# Method: PrevButtonEventCycle
# Description: Runs the complete view of the action handler cycle for
+the "<Previous" button on the
# wizard button bar. This includes dispatching the prePre
+vButtonAction and
# postPrevButtonAction handler at the apporprate times.
# Parameters: None
# Exceptions: N/A in this release
sub PrevButtonEventCycle {
my ($self) = @_;
if( dispatch( $self->{prePrevButtonAction})) { return; }
# move the wizard pointer back one position and then adjust the nav
+igation buttons
# to reflect any state changes. Don't fall off end of page pointer
$self->{wizardPagePtr} = 0 if( $self->{wizardPagePtr} < 0);
$self->{nextButtonRef}->configure( -text => "Next >");
$self->{prevButtonRef}->configure( -state => "disabled") if( $self-
+>{wizardPagePtr} == 0);
if( dispatch( $self->{postPrevButtonAction})) { return; }
} # end of sub PrevButtonEventCycle
# Method: HelpButtonEventCycle
# Description: This generates all of the events required when the Help
+ button is clicked. This runs
# through the pre event handler, the event handler and th
+en the post event handler. If
# no event handlers are defined, the method does nothing.
# Parameters: None
# Exceptions: N/A in this release
sub HelpButtonEventCycle {
my ($self) = @_;
if( dispatch( $self->{preHelpButtonAction})) { return; }
if( dispatch( $self->{helpButtonAction})) { return; }
if( dispatch( $self->{postHelpButtonAction})) { return; }
} # end of sub HelpButtonEventCycle
# Method: CancelButtonEventCycle
# Description: This generates all of the necessary events reqruied for
+ a good Wizard control when
# the cancel button is clicked. This involves dispatching
+ the preCancelButtonAction handler
# and then activating the CloseWindowEventCycle to run th
+rough the process of closing
# the window.
# Parameters: None
# Exceptions: N/A in this release
sub CancelButtonEventCycle {
my ($self, $hGUI) = @_;
if( dispatch( $self->{preCancelButtonAction})) { return;}
$self->CloseWindowEventCycle( $hGUI);
} # end of sub CancelButtonEventCycle
# Method: CloseWindowEventCycle
# Description: This generates all of the necessary events required for
+ a good Wizard control when
# the Window is about to be closed. This involves dispatc
+hing the preCloseWindowAction handler
# and then destroying the reference to the Window control
# Parameters: None
# Exceptions: N/A in this release
sub CloseWindowEventCycle {
my ($self, $hGUI) = @_;
if( dispatch( $self->{preCloseWindowAction})) { return;}
} # end of sub CloseWindowEventCycle
# Method: redrawWizardPage
# Description: Update the wizard page panel by unpacking the existing
+controls and then repacking.
# This allows updates to the page pointer to become visib
# Parameters: None
# Exceptions: N/A in this release
sub redrawWizardPage {
my ( $self) = @_;
$self->{wizardFrame} = $self->{wizardPageList}->[$self->{wizardPage
+Ptr}]->()->pack( -side => "top");
} # end of sub redrawWizardPagePanel
# End of Package Tk::Wizard #
=head1 NAME
Tk::Wizard - GUI Wizard Framework
use Tk::Wizard;
my $wizard = new Wizard( new MainWindow);
$wizard->addWizardPage( \&createPage1);
$wizard->addWizardPage( \&createPage2);
$wizard->addWizardPage( \&createPage3);
The Tk::Wizard class automates a large part of creating a program wiza
+rd to collect information and then
perform some complex task based upon the answers and information gathe
+red from the user. The wizard feel
is largly based upon the Microsoft wizard style that appeared in produ
+cts like Office 95 and Office 97.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 Tk::Wizard-E<gt>new( @args)
Creates a new instance of the Tk::Wizard object. The @args list is a h
+ash list of the different
options that can be specified for the class. These include:
-title => This is the title that will be displayed in the Windows t
+itle bar
-filename => This is the path and name of a JPEG file that will be
+displayed on the right side
of the screen.
Action Event Handlers:
-preNextButtonAction => This is a reference to a function that will
+ be dispatched before the Next
button is processed.
-postNextButtonAction => This is a reference to a function that wil
+l be dispatched after the Next
button is processed.
-prePrevButtonAction => This is a reference to a function that will
+ be dispatched before the Previous
button is processed.
-postPrevButtonAction => This is a reference to a function that wil
+l be dispatched after the Previous
button is processed.
-preHelpButtonAction => This is a reference to a function that will
+ be dispatched before the Help
button is processed.
-helpButtonAction => This is a reference to a function that will be
+ dispatched to handle the Help
button action.
-postHelpButtonAction => This is a reference to a function that wil
+l be dispatched after the Help
button is processed.
-preFinishButtonAction => This is a reference to a function that wi
+ll be dispatched before the Finish
button is processed.
-finishButtonAction => This is a reference to a funciton that will
+be dispatched to handle the Finish
button action.
-postFinishButtonAction => This is a reference to a function that w
+ill be dispatched after the Finish
button is processed.
-preCancelButtonAction => This is a reference to a function that wi
+ll be dispatched before the Cancel
button is processed.
-preCloseWindowAction => This is a reference to a funciton that wil
+l be dispatched before the window
is issued a close command.
See the section Action Event Handlers for more details.
=head2 Tk::Wizard-E<gt>setActionEventHandlers( @args)
This method can be used to set or change the action event handler func
+tions of a Tk::Wizard instance.
The @args list accepts any Action Event Handler value pairs that could
+ be passed into the new method.
See the section Action Event Handlers for more details.
=head2 Tk::Wizard-E<gt>setParameters( @args)
This method can be used to set or change the parameters of a Tk::Wizar
+d instance. The @args list
accepts any Parameter value pairs that could be passed into the new me
=head2 Tk::Wizard-E<gt>Show()
This method must be dispatched before the Wizard will be displayed.
=head2 Tk::Wizard-E<gt>addWizardPage( $page)
This method is used to add a Wizard page to the wizard. The $page para
+meter must be a Tk::Frame object.
The pages are stored and will be displayed in the order that they were
+ added to the Wizard control.
=head2 Tk::Wizard-E<gt>currentPage()
This returns the index of the page that is currently shown. Pages are
+indexed starting at 0 with the
first page that is associated with the wizard through the addWizardPag
+e method.
=head2 Tk::Wizard-E<gt>wpFrame()
This returns a wizard page frame. This method should be called when th
+e user of the wizard wants to
build the page specific controls.
=head2 Tk::Wizard-E<gt>parent
This returns the parent Tk widget that was used to create the wizard a
+nd all of the controls. This is
defined as part of the new method.
=head1 Action Event Handlers
The action event handler functions should not accept and parameters an
+d return a TRUE or FALSE variable. If
the remainder of the action should continue a TRUE value is returned.
+If a FALSE value is returned, execution
of the event handler stops. This can be used to prompt the user if the
+y want to quit and take action based upon
the input.
=head1 SUPPORT
A list of the current development efforts can be found at
Copyright (c) 2002 Daniel T. Hable
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicens
+e, and/or sell copies of the Software,
and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subj
+ect to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be include
+d in all copies or substantial portions of
the Software.