A little sub that visualizes the compression and rarefaction of a waveform, given a PDL matrix containing the waveform, using Tk Frames and Canvases. Displays one canvas per channel, and zoom level (x-width) is configurable, via an argument.
sub view_wave {
# visualize a waveform using Tk frames and Canvas
# 6 arguments:
# A Mainwindow object
# A PDL Matrix containing the wave data
# Number of bits / sample
# Number of channels
# Number of samples (that is, number of samples in a single channel,
# not all channels combined)
# Size (width) of the display, also determines granularity of displa
# Usage:
# view_wave($main_window,$audio_pdl,16,2,$total_samples,300);
# The expected structure of the PDL matrix is that:
# rows represent channels, columns represent samples
# That is, a pdl with dims (5000,2) has five thousand
# samples in each of two channels.
# die()s on error.
# C. Church (dolljunkie@digitalkoma.com)
my $mw = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $bits = shift;
my $channels = shift;
my $samples = shift;
my $size = shift || 300;
# die if not enough arguments
if(!defined($mw) || !defined($data) || !defined($bits) || !defined($c
+hannels) || !defined($samples)) {
die("[view_wave] Invalid # of arguments!\n");
# set some variables needed for processing
my @channel_frm;
my $top_vol = 0;
# maximum (absolute) volume value
if($bits == 8) {
$top_vol = 256;
} elsif($bits == 16) {
$top_vol = 2 ^ 15;
} elsif($bits == 32) {
$top_vol = 2 ^ 31;
} elsif($bits == 64) {
$top_vol = 2 ^ 63;
} else {
die("[view_wave] Bitrate [$bits] Not supported!\n");
my $high_val = 0;
# how many samples to move ahead for
# each pixel
my $most_jumps = int($samples / $size);
# how many movements up or down per volume value
my $ea_dispY = 150 / $top_vol;
# our y-axis center point
my $baselineY = 75;
# create a frame to hold the display
my $frame = $mw->Frame(-width => $size, -height => 150 * $channels)->
# create a display canvas for each channel
foreach (1..$channels) {
push(@channel_frm,$frame->Canvas(-width => $size, -height => 150,
+ -relief => 'sunken', -border => 1, -background => 'white')->pack(-si
+de => 'top'));
# for each channel...
foreach (0..$#channel_frm) {
my $cpos = $_;
my $spos = 0;
# reset our Y position to center
my $lastYpos = $baselineY;
# create a line down the center as a reference point for
# compression / rarefaction
# foreach pixel in our display...
foreach (1..$size) {
my $move = $_;
# get the numeric sample value from the piddle
my $value = at($data,$spos,$cpos);
# get absolute sample value
my $diff_disp = abs($value);
my $Yshow = 0;
# determine if we go up or down on the y-axis
# compression(positive) == up
# rarefaction(negative) == down
if($value == 0) {
$Yshow = $baselineY;
} elsif($value > 0) {
$Yshow = $baselineY;
$Yshow -= $ea_dispY * $diff_disp;
} elsif($value < 0) {
$Yshow = $baselineY;
$Yshow += $ea_dispY * $diff_disp;
# advance our sample position
# that is, determine which sample we will
# grab next from the piddle
$spos += $most_jumps;
# draw a line from the last sample point to the current
# sample point
$channel_frm[$cpos]->createLine($move - 1,$lastYpos,$move,$Y
+show, -fill => 'blue');
# remember where we just left off
$lastYpos = $Yshow;