I read the following as array-based objects are 20% faster and 70% 40% smaller than the hash based equivalent for little extra effort and no loss of clarity.
#! perl -slw
use strict;
package ArrayBased;
use constant {
CLASS => 0,
SELF => 0,
FIRST => 0,
SECOND => 1,
THIRD => 2,
FOURTH => 3,
FIFTH => 5,
sub new {
return bless [ qw[ one two three four five ] ], $_[CLASS];
sub method {
(undef) = $_[SELF][FIRST];
(undef) = $_[SELF][SECOND];
(undef) = $_[SELF][THIRD];
(undef) = $_[SELF][FOURTH];
(undef) = $_[SELF][FIFTH];
$_[SELF][FIRST] = 1;
$_[SELF][SECOND]= 2;
$_[SELF][THIRD] = 3;
$_[SELF][FOURTH]= 4;
$_[SELF][FIFTH] = 5;
package HashBased;
sub new {
my( $class ) = @_;
return bless {
FIRST => 'one',
SECOND => 'two',
THIRD => 'three',
FOURTH => 'four',
FIFTH => 'five',
}, $class;
sub method {
my( $self ) = @_;
(undef) = $self->{FIRST};
(undef) = $self->{SECOND};
(undef) = $self->{THIRD};
(undef) = $self->{FOURTH};
(undef) = $self->{FIFTH};
$self->{FIRST} = 1;
$self->{SECOND} = 2;
$self->{THIRD} = 3;
$self->{FOURTH} = 4;
$self->{FIFTH} = 5;
package main;
use Benchmark qw[ cmpthese ];
use Devel::Size qw[ size total_size ];
cmpthese -1, {
arrayBased => q[
my $o = new ArrayBased;
hashBased => q[
my $o = new HashBased;
print "ArrayBased bytes: ", total_size( ArrayBased->new() );
print " HashBased bytes: ", total_size( HashBased->new() );
Rate hashBased arrayBased
hashBased 48505/s -- -16%
arrayBased 57853/s 19% --
ArrayBased bytes: 220
HashBased bytes: 373
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Lingua non convalesco, consenesco et abolesco. -- Rule 1 has a caveat! -- Who broke the cabal?
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The "good enough" maybe good enough for the now, and perfection maybe unobtainable, but that should not preclude us from striving for perfection, when time, circumstance or desire allow.