As a supplement to the "7 Stages of a Perl Programmer", I
present the 7 Stages of Regex Users (as pertains to Perl's
special flavor of regexes):
7 Stages of a Regex User
- Novice
- thinks regular expressions are line noise
- falls prey to "m/usr/bin/" (embedded /'s in
- has no idea what tr/// is
- doesn't know about the i modifier
- gratuitous use of $`, $&, and $'
- doesn't use \w, \d, \s,
etc. metaclasses
- painfully misuses * and .*
- puts words in character classes
- Initiate
- still a victim of leaning toothpick syndrome (LTS)
- uses regexes where chop() or substr()
or index() would do
- tries to use tr/// like s///
- uses brackets in tr///
- uses modifiers needlessly (like o, s,
and m)
- does ($x,$y) = ($1,$2), instead of ($x,$y)
= /(re)g(ex)/
- uses | in character classes for alternation
- uses [^\w] instead of \W
- tries to delete HTML tags with s/<.*>//g
or s/<.*?>//g
- backslashes needlessly
- User
- uses different m// and s/// delimiters
- uses regex where index() would do
- knows about tr///, but uses s///
- uses regexes in conditionals
- knows to use the o modifier, but sometimes
gets bitten
- uses backreferences incorrectly sometimes (\1
on the RHS of s///)
- starts to understand why HTML tags are hard to match
with regexes
- Adept
- knows when to use regexes, and when to use string
- knows when to use tr///, and when to use
- leaves the m off // regexes
- uses the e modifier in s///
- toys with look-ahead
- knows to use (?:...) when a backref isn't
- uses precompiled regexes with qr//
- Hacker
- uses look-ahead and look-behind with impunity
- sighs at the constant-width restraint on look-behind
- plays with pos() and \G and the
g and c modifiers
- has read "Mastering Regular Expressions"
- knows how to "unroll the loop"
- uses re -- and understands the debug output
- uses closures to make regex matching objects
- makes nested regexes using (??{...})
- can read a regex and explain its function
- Guru
- works on the regex engine
- has patched the engine from time to time
- uses precompiled regexes as objects
- refers to "Henry" (that is, Henry Spencer)
- can explain how any given regex will or won't work
- Wizard
- can add features to the engine at a whim
- has pumpking status
japhy --
Perl and Regex Hacker