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Just another Perl shrine


by BazB (Priest)
on Nov 26, 2001 at 19:00 UTC ( [id://127547]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Random image I shot in Glen Coe, Scotland.

BazB's Homenode


I'm on the CPAN as BREMNERB. I'm the co-maintainer of File::MergeSort.

Perl geek code!

-----BEGIN PERL GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 0.01 P+++>*$c-->+P6 R+$M++>+++$O+++$MA++$E+$PU++++$BD $C+$D++$S++$X+WP++MO!PP!n!CO--> PO--o+G A-OLC+>++$OLP+>++$OLL+OLA--Ee+++Ev----u L+uB+uS+w!m++osA+ ------END PERL GEEK CODE BLOCK------
decode it

Useful nodes

Probably more like "Nodes I keep on losing".
I'll add to these as and when I find something that interests me.

Essential reading and security:

CGI bits:
Style, code reuse and funky programming - OO, functional, etc.
Other stuff.
Other nodes that make the monastery easier to use are:
  • Message Inbox and Framechat are handy.
  • Best nodes - shows just how you should post :-)
  • And worst nodes demonstrates exactly what not to do.
  • Editor requests is where you can submit a petition to have nodes edited or deleted.
  • Ignored users allows you to see a list of all the users that you are ignoring in the Chatterbox with /ignore username - you must /unignore username for their posts to reappear.


The amazing jcwren has all the stat's you'll ever need at
Here's my XP change graph

mojotoad has some funky chatterbox stats too.

Handy links and info.

Tom Christiansen's Perl Style talk from the 1998 Perl Conference. Style and programming techniques. and are worth a visit, if you haven't done so already.

Michael G Schwern has some excellent slides/talks on his site.

Monks I've met in person

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